Windows SP2: Yay or Nay?


Oct 27, 2004
Debating on installing Windows SP2 for XP. I've heard that SP2 causes alot of problems for online gaming. Especially with the firewall. I play alot of online games like EverQuest. Whats your opinion on SP2 for an online gamer?
Do yourself a favor before you incure the wrath of forum readers by creating one more goddamn SP2 thread. Look above at the search feature.....and search for "SP2". Every topic that can possibly be discussed have been covered in detail, and are available for reading.
Maybe I came off a little harsh, but this topic has been beaten to death a hundred times over. SP2 is a great improvement, offering some new, useful features. Most of the applications that had problems in the beginning have issued patches to make it work. Allowing apps through the firewall is as simple as allowing them access. There's no reason at this point, not to go to SP2.

The majority of people who are saying they have problems with SP2 don't have the knowledge or the motivation to fix them.
Ohio votes Yay for SP2 !

Please look at all the other exit polls on this matter.

jk :D

All the so called "annoying" features can be easily turned off, and and most of the problems you might run into can be easily fixed if you have half a brain.