Windows Server Essentials Domain


[H]F Junkie
Apr 10, 2002
So I need to migrate my old windows home server to an OS that can use advanced format hard drives.

I installed WSE just now and was looking for some information on how to configure it.

I I though there was supposed to be a way to connect to the server without joining a domain though?

I notice the server does not how up on the network from my windows 7 PC How do I get to the connector software? Do I have to join the Domain?
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Define "connect" to it.

I've just purchased a new Dell server with Server2012 Essentials for a work project, and while it is configured for a domain I can US RDP and shared folders from computers that are not attached to the domain. Granted because it's all in development at the moment I am using a admin account on the server for access rights.
Am I going to be in over my head with his OS?

Anyways, I remember there was some features WSE2012 had that WHS2011 was lacking but I can't find a good comparison list anymore.
Open an ADMIN command line box and paste in the following and hit return:

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Server\ClientDeployment" /v SkipDomainJoin /t REG_DWORD /d 1

Then install the connector software.

You should not be over your head. Stay in the Dashboard, and frankly it's not much more involved than Windows 7/8 is. Use some caution and think if you decide to set up drive sets, and watch your permissions, especially those concerning remote access.

I did it with ZERO training or study. I just paid attention to what was in front of me and I've been fine.

Now, if you installed the command line only version, you are so on your own LOL
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