Windows Server 2008 R2 Boot Issue


Jan 12, 2008
I just installed Server 2008 R2 on my server rig, and am having an annoying problem now...

I can't boot into Windows without the R2 disc being in the DVD drive. If it's present, Windows boots after the "Boot from CD/DVD" timeout. If it's not present... "DISK BOOT FAILURE".

I played around with the boot order, no change. Same problem.

Q9550, 8GB DDR2, ABIT IP35 Pro motherboard, Lite-On DVD-RW and CD-RW/DVD combo

All hard drives are running off a SATA RAID card, the 3ware 9650SE. Boot drives are 2 74GB Raptors in RAID 1.

Can't think of anything else that would be useful info...
might be a raid driver problem, try installing the raid drivers after you boot into windows, check device manager for the raid controller.

I booted into Windows, and reinstalled the RAID card's drivers (they were initially installed during the Windows install, via a USB drive, as without drivers, Windows wouldn't even see the drives). Rebooted, took the DVD out... still won't boot.

I'm thinking it's a problem between the RAID controller and the boot partition, but I don't get why having the R2 DVD in the drive allows the damn thing to boot.

Hmm... off to 3ware's support section, to see if they can give me a solution.
Hmm... off to 3ware's support section, to see if they can give me a solution.

Either that or Abit. Sounds like the BIOS won't boot from the RAID card, but the chainloading from the CD will. Perhaps a BIOS update will solve it.