Windows scripting question


Nov 18, 2012
I need some help with Windows scripting. I have a bunch of DVDs rips stored on my PC that I watch with my Patriot Box Office (PBO) hardware media player. Unfortunately the PBO doesn't support symbolic links properly so I've had to create directory junctions instead. I've been typing the directory junctions in manually from the command line but surely there's a way to automate this with a batch script. Here's a example:

mklink /J "F:\Movies\Horror\Alien Series\Alien" "F:\Movies\SciFi\Alien Series\Alien"
mklink /J "F:\Movies\Horror\Alien Series\Aliens" "F:\Movies\SciFi\Alien Series\Aliens"
mklink /J "F:\Movies\Horror\Alien Series\Alien 3" "F:\Movies\SciFi\Alien Series\Alien 3"
mklink /J "F:\Movies\Horror\Alien Series\Alien Resurrection" "F:\Movies\SciFi\Alien Series\Alien Resurrection"
Try this in powershell. Might have to mess around to get the syntax right for mklink using quotes, but it shouldn't be too bad.

The If statement is to check for the ones you already did manually...

$sourceFolder = "C:\Temp"
$destinationFolder = "C:\NewTemp"

ForEach ($folder in get-childitem -Path $sourceFolder -Directory)
$nf = $destinationFolder+"\$($folder.BaseName)"
If (!(Test-Path $nf)) { cmd.exe /c mklink.exe /J $($folder.FullName) $($nf) }

This won't get you exactly there, but:
for /F "delims=;" %%A IN ('dir /ad /b F:\Movies\') do (
mklink /J "%%~fA" "F:\Movies\folder\%%A"

The real problem is you'd need to do a string replace on the output path to map subdirectories like that, and string replacing in batch scripting is a huge pain.