Windows Media Player 10 out

Just saw it too. I'm debating whether I should I install it along with SP2. :|
Geez, you guys really need to look at the main site more often, it's been out for about a week now.
hulksterjoe said:
got both sp2 and wmp10 installed and no problems

Same, and I haven't used the new media player yet that much, but it looks nice and has a ton of features.
I like WMP10. Memory optimized as well. When not necessarily using the visualization, just drag the size down to the bottom and the whole screen disappears and you have the GUI just there, it's silver and pretty. I like.

I dont think I will bother with v10, I don't even like v9, I use Windows Classic v6.4, has everything I want/need. :p
Well, I got it running and I love the interface. It seems to cooperate with my surround sound better then v9. DVD movie sounds sound much better as well. I would think they would incorporate V10 in SP2, I guess people are attached to v9? Or v6? :p
Ok, so how much resources does WMP v10 use? I know v9 used more than v6 and v9 didn't havent anything secial that I wanted, is it worth going to v10?
I'm not sure how memory is even measured. Is it by the songs you load or what? Either way, I have a 3 minute / 48 second song on and minimized it only loads 3 to 5 MB of memory. With it full screened it takes about 11 MB with visualizations and 9 MB without. Not sure if it's even worth it. If you just play songs and you minimize it without any need for burning songs to a CD or whatever it offers, then you don't want to download it. Other than that, I just like to have the updated version and somehow it sounds better with WMP10. My main concern is with the sound, does anyone notice an improvement in sound in different environments (dvd, video, music, etc...)?

Actually, I can fully believe that it sounds better. With the XP Plus Pack, there is some sort of sound enhancement thing, and when that is enabled, I noticed a clear difference in sound, it was definitely better. Actually, for that reason alone I think I may just download it....

I'll read a few other reviews about it first though :)
thank god for that search feature, I was gonna make a new thread about this. :)

Anwyays i downloaded it and gave it a whirl, divx movies and things like that open a little faster then 9 (ran that Ultimate benchmark video thing to(the one MS put out about that underwater diving thing)). It seems to use 1-3MB more RAM for me and doesnt lag nearly as bad when you load heavy playlists and things. I liked it once i turned a lot of the tracking crap off.