Windows IRC Clients


Limp Gawd
Apr 13, 2002
I'm looking for an IRC client that doesn't look like a 6 year old skript kiddie wrote - you know something with a little style and class and is easy on the eye.

Currently I have tried: Leaf, mIRC, ChatZilla, Gaim, Node, Miranda, JChatIRC and they all look and feel like cack.

I would of thought after all this time someone (or some people) would of made a collaborative effort to write a decent IRC client. Remember going from eDonkey to eMule for the first time, or from the BT++ to Azureus? Well I am looking for similar revelation for mIRC and coming up short.

Any suggestions?
EvilMike said:
try hydrairc, ise use that and Polaris 1.11 or whatever

Hey thanks!!!

Hydrairc reminds me of Pirch, and that was my absolute FAVORITE IRC client. I'm going to give it a try. Appreciate it! :D
all win clients suck but mirc sucks less imo. maybe try changing the font/colors/putting a pretty background image instead of a solid color