Windows Experience won't work?


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2005
Has anyone else gotten the error when they try and run the windows experience index:

Cannot complete the requested assessment. This system does not have the necessary multi-media support to run the requested assessment.
Q9550 @ 4ghz
Gigabyte E45-UD3P
4gb OCZ 1066 @ 471mhz
60gb OCZ Vertex
1tb WD Black(storage)
EVGA 9800gtx+

I didn't get this problem before, but I just upgraded from the RC version to the full version yesterday.
You're probably using the N version of Windows. Tried installing WMP12? Or if you can't, dont use N versions of Windows.
I had to update to the latest bios for my Gigabyte P55 to run the WEI, mine was messing up also.
I think I am using the N version, I will try the WMP12. What exactly is the difference? I just downloaded it from my technet account cause it had the newest date.
N is the european version without WMP, because of a EU court ruling.

In europe, it's sold at the exact same price as with WMP, just to piss off the EU.
I'll make it simple for you:

Your machine is fucking fast based on the hardware it's comprised of. :D

The WEI is useless for pretty much all intents and purposes; it's not supposed to be used as a benchmark or even a general way of showing performance, to be honest even though that's what people seem to use it for. But as stated, you could be using the N version which lacks all the necessary "stuff" to get the WEI to run and finish completely.

If you have a TechNet account, grab Ultimate, there's no reason not to on that machine (not that Professional or Home Premium will run any better).

Good luck...
I'll make it simple for you:

Your machine is fucking fast based on the hardware it's comprised of. :D

The WEI is useless for pretty much all intents and purposes; it's not supposed to be used as a benchmark or even a general way of showing performance, to be honest even though that's what people seem to use it for. But as stated, you could be using the N version which lacks all the necessary "stuff" to get the WEI to run and finish completely.

If you have a TechNet account, grab Ultimate, there's no reason not to on that machine (not that Professional or Home Premium will run any better).

Good luck...

It is the Ultimate edition. I am not so worried about the WEI not working, or basing how fast my system is on it. It just makes me wonder what other things might have problems if I don't fix it.
Depends on the SSD, realistically. Check and see what other folks are getting for that OCZ Vertex, I suppose. I know most "newer" SSD hardware gets at least a 6.5, most are well above 7 from what I've read in the Data Storage Systems subforum here.
Here's the otherthing about WEI: it caps your scores, based on the hardware you have:

For exapme:

a Core i7 can get max score
Yet a Q9550 is going to be capped, no matter how much faster it can get vs a stock i7, just below that.

No dual core (so far, in what I have here, maybe a different story for others) can get past '4.9' for performance.

Even the craptastic AMD 9100e can get a 5.6, easy.

Just ignore this. Synthetic benchmarks aren't important/included in any respectable review, nowadays. And WEI is one of the worst synthetics.
Give HDTune and HDTach a run or two and I'm sure the speeds you'll see for read performance (and hopefully write also) will give you reason to be happy you decided to get the Vertez...
Give HDTune and HDTach a run or two and I'm sure the speeds you'll see for read performance (and hopefully write also) will give you reason to be happy you decided to get the Vertez...

Oh I'm VERY happy. Just wondering what might make the score come up so low. I won't worry about it.
It is a bit odd, but it's not the first time I've seen such things. On this machine I just threw together, with a GeForce 9500 GT 1GB card in it (yes, it's weak but it works), it ranks WAY higher on 3D gaming/business performance than it does for Aero:


I mean, really, if Microsoft has some idea that running a simplistic 2D/3D GUI is so taxing on this video card, how the hell could games and serious serious 3D applications possibly require less performance ability? :D They're saying games/business stuff takes LESS power? Geez... how ridiculous.

WEI... don't go there...
It's probably has to do with memory access?

I noticed my cards with TurboCache/Hypermemory get lower aero score then those without it (roughly equivilent, though still a bit different).

Dunno.... we have to got SLI to get 'performance' menu load times :p?
Just ignore this. Synthetic benchmarks aren't important/included in any respectable review, nowadays. And WEI is one of the worst synthetics.

i have to agree, WEI is for use in selling somewone a computer who knows nothing about computers. some one walks into a BB and says they want a new computer, how well does this model work under Windows 7... the saleperson can then point them to a number scale and "score" that allows the average user who would/does not know 32 from 64 bit or a gigabyte from terabyte to quickly get a "feel" for performance and attach that to a price point. a sales/marketing tool.