windows 98 vs millenium vs linux

GreNME said:
I second those extolling Ubuntu (or any Linux, for that matter). 9x is dead. You should tell your school to come to the 21st century with the rest of the world.

I go to Pitt...on their website it says they have 98 and me for free. So I go to one of the computer labs and it turns out they dont have 98 or me. They ended having xp pro 32 and 64 bit. However i think it is an upgrade cd because on the back it says "The enclosed media contains software for use with a Volume License upgrade on existing Pc's that already have a full version operating system license."

n/m just got this email...looks like im just gonna go with xp pro for now. But being a nerd I would like to try linux out in the future...hmmm a third computer in my room...

It is the full version which can also be used as an upgrade. Please note that if you upgrade (install from Windows), some problems may be inherited (ie best not to upgrade if your current windows is having lots of trouble). To clean slate your computer (all information will be lost--but all problems will be lost as well), boot to the windows XP cdrom by having the cdrom in the tray at startup and you should be given the option to "press any key to boot to cdrom". Once in the setup, you will want to delete your current partion and install windows to the unpartioned space (and just to note again, all information will be lost, so backup your files prior to this step).

Help Desk Ticket #0961990
Technology Help Desk
University of Pittsburgh
XP Pro...the best solution. And yes, don't upgrade the existing install if there is one, just perform a clean install.
Phoenix86 said:
Just set it up as dual boot, use both...

This can't hurt. Install XP first, but then throw on Ubuntu or other distro and set up the bootloader- Just leave empty space on your hdd (during XP install) for the linux filesystem-it'll save time and prevent a possible hazard.

I'd be moving more to Linux as a rule except that distrubuted computing apps run faster on Winblows and I needs me points in Einstein@home!
Not to crap in anyone's hat, but if you are building a 'new' box you'll have problems finding 98 drivers for some stuff, unless you're slapping together an oldie machine :) In that case Linux may be your only option.
Windows 98/ME are flat out POS. Use Linux. I'd use anything to multi task and run today';s 32-bit applications before I would even consider POS Windows 98/ME. Windows 98/ME do suck ass!!
go with ubuntu. You'll be surprised at how simple everything can be, and you don't have to fiddle around with the command line if you don't want to, and you can learn at your own pace. Except for nvidia drivers.

kdream3 said:
thx for the replies. Since i have no experience with linux what do you guys think is the easiest distros to install and maintain?