Windows 8 storage space


Jan 22, 2002
I haven't found an answer to this anywhere. Right now I have two drives, one is for data the other keeps a mirror backup of my system drive and data drive. So if for some reason I can't boot into windows. I can use acronis to restore the last image.

But if I use windows 8 storage space, I don't think acronis can read the storage space to restore the image. Or is it going to be possible for third party utilities to read such data?
I haven't found an answer to this anywhere. Right now I have two drives, one is for data the other keeps a mirror backup of my system drive and data drive. So if for some reason I can't boot into windows. I can use acronis to restore the last image.

But if I use windows 8 storage space, I don't think acronis can read the storage space to restore the image. Or is it going to be possible for third party utilities to read such data?

I'm not sure you're going to get an answer until third parties have full access and an opportunity to do development. At the very least they will most likely have to release new versions of their utilities to update them from Win 8.
You should ask in the comments on the B8 blog, they are pretty good about replying.
ReFS is Server 8 only I believe. Plus you can't boot to it, so it's only good for data storage volumes.
Storage space and ReFS are two things. Storage space will come with windows 8 client.
Storage space and ReFS are two things. Storage space will come with windows 8 client.

I missed that when I glanced over the Building Windows 8 blog earlier. As long as the Storage Space implementation is transparent to the file system, backup systems should be able to handle it.
I missed that when I glanced over the Building Windows 8 blog earlier. As long as the Storage Space implementation is transparent to the file system, backup systems should be able to handle it.

Yeah, Storage Spaces is based on NTFS so utilities that can manipulate Store Spaces should be possible. However their will probably be built-in tools in Windows 8 to handle backups of Storage Spaces and due to its nature and redundancy capabilities conventional backups aren't really vital anyway.