Windows 8 haters - Does the GPU acceleration entice you?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 12, 2003
At all? I know I personally am on 7 and have tested 8 and I do not like it much at all, but the accelerated nature and GPU use of Windows 8 does entice me a bit. How about you?
In what way is it GPU accelerated?

I mean we had Aero before, and that's gone now. From my point of view it seems like that would make it less GPU accelerated. Or what am I missing here?
In what way is it GPU accelerated?

I mean we had Aero before, and that's gone now. From my point of view it seems like that would make it less GPU accelerated. Or what am I missing here?

Aero was just the design language. The glass effect, the round corners, the candy-colored icons and buttons--that was Aero. The back end (basically, the Desktop Window Manager) is still there and is no less GPU accelerated than it was in Vista and 7.
I don't care how fast it runs as long as the UI sucks. The iPad UI is pretty and fast but I still don't want to use it.

Also in that video, when he does the photo comparison, it looks like he's only using the basic theme on 7 (or maybe transparency is disabled). If he's not using AERO then Win7 is at a disadvantage I would think.

Yawn. Almost all those examples in that video are completely meaningless to normal usage. When was the last time you wanted to open and decode 100 JPEGs simultaneously? Look! I can show 100 frames per second that you cannot read! The only thing in that video that is remotely interesting or shown to be usable is the irregular geometry rendering...except they do nothing to show or explain when and or how this might ever be used.

Worst kind of elementary school show and tell.
If I don't like the interface I couldn't really care less whether or not it's GPU accelerated. And even if I do like an interface, I only care if it's GPU accelerated if it would be otherwise bottlenecked on a CPU to the point where it actually slows *me* down (I don't care if a window opens in 0.1s or 0.05s if it takes me 0.3s to actually move the mouse somewhere to do anything with it anyway).
finally, graphics that can keep up with my porn viewing speed, making this a must buy.... not.
I think performance in Windows 8 is going to stick in the craw of Windows 8 opponents.
i think win8 is so the gov can have back doors into all our machines
I think performance in Windows 8 is going to stick in the craw of Windows 8 opponents.

Not really. Not unless it's actually affecting the performance of programs themselves then I might consider making the switch. First and foremost I have to LIKE a UI before I care about it's performance.
Not really. Not unless it's actually affecting the performance of programs themselves then I might consider making the switch. First and foremost I have to LIKE a UI before I care about it's performance.

That does make sense too. But I didn't care much for Android's interface at first, now it's second nature.;)
Not really. Not unless it's actually affecting the performance of programs themselves then I might consider making the switch. First and foremost I have to LIKE a UI before I care about it's performance.

It's happening already. Windows 8's technical merits are strong enough that many Windows 8 opponents are saying "If I could revert to the UI I'd buy Windows 8!" Not that I really believe them.

That does make sense too. But I didn't care much for Android's interface at first, now it's second nature.;)

Demonstrating yet again an extremely important point, people adapt to new devices and UIs all of the time.
It's happening already. Windows 8's technical merits are strong enough that many Windows 8 opponents are saying "If I could revert to the UI I'd buy Windows 8!" Not that I really believe them.

lolwut are you on about. Of course that's the case. Given that peoples' primary complaint is about the UI then of course they'd say that. If MS left in the option to revert to a previous UI without using 3rd party hacks (which MS is trying to eliminate as time goes on anyway) then of course I'd be much more inclined to buy it.

Other than a few random haters who hate W8 blindly, most people don't deny the technical advantages. If the UI didn't disgust me then of course I'd be inclined to buy it (or install it given I should be getting a free copy anyway).
I already have full GPU acceleration on GNU/Linux. We've had GPU acceleration for years (including the text and the widgets, via XRender).
Personally I like having a desktop with non-moving, non-updating icons. Frankly I made a program that makes most of my main programs 1 key combo and a number away. No need for start menu (besides searching) and no need for icons. I also like having a 3 keyboard combination to shutdown the computer (win->right->enter). I don't even use gadgets in Win7 since I like the desktop to be relaxing and EMPTY. If I could make windows 8 look like 7 and act like it with the improvements that 8 promises, I still wouldn't upgrade as there is no need. Win 7 works great and I'm not spending $30 or whatever price on a new OS that I don't need for my programs.
I already have full GPU acceleration on GNU/Linux. We've had GPU acceleration for years (including the text and the widgets, via XRender).

So long as your GPU has drivers...I'm looking at YOU AMD who takes 6+ months after retail release to add AMDCCCLE support for new cards.