Windows 7 window borders


Limp Gawd
Sep 15, 2009
When using an application like AltDrag for all resizing and repositioning needs, the side and bottom borders (as well as the title bar to some degree) become somewhat redundant. I'm already unhappy with the lost pixels when windows aren't maximized, and I'm starting to dislike the window borders too.

I've taken the border padding down as far as it will go, but I'm interested to know if it is possible to completely remove/disable the borders (and possibly the title bar) globally. The best solution would be an application that allows for exclusions (just in case), but if there's any sort of registry hack or something else that would get the job done, that'll work.

Is it possible to get rid of the borders, or maybe reduce them to a frame with a width of 1 pixel, or is it just too hardcoded?
You'd end up using a different shell like Blackbox for Windows or whatever to be able to get rid of the window borders completely. It's just how Windows is coded (meaning the base OS itself), there's not much that can be done about it aside from a third party shell replacement.