Windows 7 OEM?


Limp Gawd
Dec 5, 2007
I see on newegg theyre offering Win 7 Ultimate Retail. I dont want to spend $320 on an OS. Does MS plan on offering the OEM Version like they did with vista and XP?
I would expect they will have a systembuilder version, but
I wouldn't expect it until near or after the official launch (oct 22?).
I'd expect them to have it, but since we're still a little ways from official release, you won't see anything on sale for a while.
Does MS plan on offering the OEM Version like they did with vista and XP?

Of course they will. And, just as it was with Vista and XP before it, the OEM System Builder packs will begin to show up in retail outlets some time after the initial Retail release period.
I subscribed to Technet 3 days ago ($259 with a $90 off code, see the Hot Deals forum). I wanted the Win7 RTM x64 and Office 2007 for my wife's pc I just built. I'll be putting Win7/Office 2007 on my own pc and HTPC. Technet gives you 10 keys for each version (Home, Pro, Ult, Enterprise). See the full list of what you can get on page 3 here.