windows 7 network drops

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Limp Gawd
Mar 31, 2005
Every few minutes the network drops, I'm just trying to download some files and updates and it keeps dropping! I updated all my drivers. :confused: anyone else with same problem?
Wired? Try a LiveCD. If the problem persists, you have a hardware problem. Try a different port, replace the cable, NIC and switch, in that order.
And check the temps of everything. When my router gets too warm, it drops connections every now and again.
Nvidia system board, I assume you're using the Nvidia drivers, right? Therein lies the culprit. Apparently the default Win7 drivers work fine for the devices but the Nvidia ones cause the drops. I didn't know that at the time I installed Win7 on my 680i system and threw in an Intel based NIC to which I've had no problems at all but with the onboard NIC and Nvidia drivers I had the same problems which were repeatable with testing.
That is exactly what happened to me. I installed the nvidia drivers for my ethernet card and was having the connection drop every few minutes. Uninstalled and everything is peachy now. Using the default drivers windows installed.
I just was disconnected again, even after uninstalling my ethernet drivers and rebooting my computer so the default windows 7 drivers would be installed. I guess that isn't the solution for me.
Have you tried setting the speed and duplex of your connection? Windows will constantly try to negotiate a connection if you don't -- this can cause seemingly random disconnects. Set the speed and duplex to the connection you want and see if that fixes it for you.
I have no experience with setting the speed and duplex of my connection. What exactly does that entail and what exactly will it do?
I just installed win 7 on two of my machines at different locations and im having the same issue. it drops connection very often then i would either have to reset my cable modem or disable ethernet adapter then enable it again. this never happened when i used win xp.
any solutions yet?
I had the same problem when i went to windows 7,i tried net work card ,drivers ect.
It turned out to be my router firmware,updated it and i've never had a drop yet.

Hope this helps.:D:D
You can use the nvidia drivers! The problem is with the receiver side scaling. Go into Networking in the Nvidia control panel, Change Ethernet connection, Find Receiver Side Scaling and disable it. After that I have had zero issues.
I have this problem with Windows 7 and a realtek onboard NIC.

a few times a day it DCs and i either have to reboot and reset the NIC.. windows tells me default gateway not avaliable.

its really annoying and i cant figure it out.
You can use the nvidia drivers! The problem is with the receiver side scaling. Go into Networking in the Nvidia control panel, Change Ethernet connection, Find Receiver Side Scaling and disable it. After that I have had zero issues.

This was my method of fixing the issue. Worked like a charm, and I highly recommend trying it if you are having the issue.
Tips to keep in mind while using Wireless Internet are:
Check the type of issue that you face in the connectivity, if it is hardware or a positioning issue. If you find that it is a hardware issue, you can check for the connectivity or cable problems, you can try reconnecting the cables and ensure the proper power supply. If you have any issues with your router hardware, you will need to get it repaired or replaced. If you have connectivity issues due to the range, you can always be in the range that is supported by your router.

Reset router when all other steps fail. If after resetting the router, you are unable to access the network, you need to configure the settings. The network activity of the computer and the network might depend on parameters like the standard of network connectivity used. It is very essential to configure it properly for error free networking.
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