Windows 7 Mouse Freeze

The Donut

Jan 28, 2003

Does anyone else get this? Maybe a couple of times every 5 minutes or so; just browsing the web my mouse cursor will freeze for less than 2 seconds but it's enough to make it very annoying.

I've done the usual, drivers, windows update, etc. This is a fresh install of Windows 7.

Mouse is a Logitech G5.

EDIT: From what I can tell, it seems to occur more when a page is "just" finishing being rendered or a program completing it's installation. But not every page.. seems quite random, however extremely annoying.

EDIT 2: Another update - if I go to and let the Flash videos play, the mouse stutters all over the place which leads me to believe it's a video/driver issue. I installed the latest drivers from there, however.
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It sounds like a render "problem" with Aero. I get the same thing on occasion while I have the F@H GPU client running which puts a large load on the GPU. I also get other hitches and such while the GPU client is running with the Aero interface and playing videos. This is on Vista but I still had the same problem when running the Win7 public beta.

I solved this issue.

I don't know why; as it was fine in every other OS (XP, Vista) but when my mouse is plugged into my monitor (which has a USB hub) it caused stuttering in Windows 7.

I suspect immature drivers for that particular USB hub, not really the fault of Windows 7. I am however, glad that I figured it out!