Windows 7 External HDD problem

Turd Furguson

Limp Gawd
Oct 22, 2004
I have a Seagate 750GB external hard drive that I used frequently with my Windows XP install. Well tonight, I completed a dirty install into Windows 7. Now soon as I power on my external hard drive it is telling me that I must format it in order for it to be accessible. It was formatted to NTFS previously. Google had no help for me so I thought I would post here.

Please help as I have a ton of pictures and home video on there I don't want to lose.
The first thing I would do, is connect it to another computer to verify the drive is fine.
I left the hard drive unplugged overnight and found out that I accidently set up the OS as being in the UK instead of US. Don't know if that had anything to do with it, but I am able to access everything on the drive now. Thank you.