Windows 7 downloads (for .edu) are up

I made an ISO out of the "expandedSetup" folder with ImgBurn. Not sure if it'll work, but it seems to function like a normal DVD when I mount it with daemon tools (has the icon of the blue windows box with a DVD next to it). I'll have to wait till later today to find out.
I don't know about the .edu versions, but the pre-order download orders have the ISO's as a selectable download option.

At first I was shocked that there was a setup .exe and two .box files, I was about to cancel my order and just go to the store and buy a retail copy.
if you want a bootable ISO from the edu downloads.

after you DL and extract all to the folder/subfolders. use vLite to make a bootable ISO. you can even slipstream drivers into the ISO. i personally would not, and just make a bootable ISO and, but its your time.

when vlite asks for the files, simply point it to the directory where your Windows 7 files et al are located. it - vlite works with Windows 7 as well as vista, just as nlite worked with 2k-server03
So the .edu versions don't have .ISO as a selectable download option like the regular pre-orders do?
The exe file should extract an ISO file, windows server 2008 and RC2 trials came like this,. not sure why they do it.
Awesome, if thats the case I'll follow those instructions tonight after downloading, I won't wait for my disk to arrive in the mail.
Anyone getting it from their school's msdnaa? They only seem to have the rtm version unless I'm wrong. First time doing it this way..
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Well this sucks. I preordered this when it first came out, and now I've had login problems to my college email for the last week. I check my order and it has the download option, but I don't see a product key :rolleyes: Anyone know any other way to get the product key? I ordered the backup CD, will that come with that?
I'm in the exact same boat, except I didn't order the back-up cd.

Does the download have the key built into it? Or am I SOL on this? :(
everybody, the command you have to use if you are using vista to make an iso is:

oscdimg -n -m -b"C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\expandedSetup\boot\" C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\expandedSetup C:\7.iso

Make sure you change the USERNAME on your own

I give credit to the guy at the other forum
Some of the .exe's are just the download manager. When you run it there is a spot where you can point to a folder location that the iso will be dropped.
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I'm in the exact same boat, except I didn't order the back-up cd.

Does the download have the key built into it? Or am I SOL on this? :(

The key (if you ordered through the student email promo for 29.99 through Digital River) should have been emailed to you along with a download location.

I won't post instructions on how to make the "downloaded" files into an ISO, as I was going to post the same instructions that were already linked in the sevenforums URL.

What a PITA to get a bootable disc. I say that because the average joe would not have thought of using that program, let alone know how to navigate through a command prompt like that.

I don't see why they didn't just have an option of downloading a .iso in the first place.

What is now apparent is that people that used the student email promo got Windows 7 in a different "version" (that whole,, blahblah.exe), whereas people that used other means to pre-order had the option to download as an .iso.
The key (if you ordered through the student email promo for 29.99 through Digital River) should have been emailed to you along with a download location.

I won't post instructions on how to make the "downloaded" files into an ISO, as I was going to post the same instructions that were already linked in the sevenforums URL.

What a PITA to get a bootable disc. I say that because the average joe would not have thought of using that program, let alone know how to navigate through a command prompt like that.

I don't see why they didn't just have an option of downloading a .iso in the first place.

What is now apparent is that people that used the student email promo got Windows 7 in a different "version" (that whole,, blahblah.exe), whereas people that used other means to pre-order had the option to download as an .iso.

I still have that email, it contains my order confirmation # etc, but I don't see a 16 digit license number or anything, and I started the download earlier today, it should be done when I get home later. So am I missing the key or not looking in the right place in the email?...
I still have that email, it contains my order confirmation # etc, but I don't see a 16 digit license number or anything, and I started the download earlier today, it should be done when I get home later. So am I missing the key or not looking in the right place in the email?...

It should be in the email that has the link that you click to download the first .exe (which is like 60 kb and only a download manager).

Scroll down. :p It's toward the middle of the email.
When you click that exe and it lets you extract those 2 files, the files listed are the same as the CD. Can't you just drag them out and burn them to a DVD instead of doing that big command fiasko? imgburn has a built in boot disk to make it bootable.
It should be in the email that has the link that you click to download the first .exe (which is like 60 kb and only a download manager).

Scroll down. :p It's toward the middle of the email.

Yup, I'm screwed then. I'm talking about the original email, not the one they apparently sent out with the download link... I have no access to that now. FML

EDIT: So does anyone know if I can email them and request that they send the key to another email? or get it over the phone? Or request the DVD by mail? This royally sucks....
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I got an email today with the download link and the CD-Key. I also have a disk being sent to me in the mail, which better be a standard, normal Windows 7 Professional disk. I hope I don't have to go through a ton of crap to get a bootable CD like the download versions are.
I still have access to my school's MSDNAA and I had to install a download manager which then retrieves an .iso file that is saved on my machine. So I'm not sure what or why it's just giving you an executable.
I still have access to my school's MSDNAA and I had to install a download manager which then retrieves an .iso file that is saved on my machine. So I'm not sure what or why it's just giving you an executable.

MSDNAA and the .edu email promo are two different promotions. What I am talking about when I made this thread is a promotion that lets valid students (those that have a school email address ending in .edu, currently enrolled for at least half time classes - might be full time) purchase Windows 7 for 29.99 as a digital download. Through these means, you get a totally different file that you have to convert to an ISO.
Yeah, this is rather bizzare. I don't see why they would rather offer the install files in a folder, rather than an ISO.
LOL...sorry but its funny as hell to jump through all that command line crap when you can simply use vlite to generate a bootable ISO.
So after I make a bootable ISO out of the media downloaded, can I do a fresh install from booting off the disc and have the serial work? Has anyone done this?
So after I make a bootable ISO out of the media downloaded, can I do a fresh install from booting off the disc and have the serial work? Has anyone done this?

Yes. That is exactly what I did to install Win 7 x64.
So after I make a bootable ISO out of the media downloaded, can I do a fresh install from booting off the disc and have the serial work? Has anyone done this?

It is an upgrade version and as such needs to see another active OS installed to work. Someone has already tried the double install trick that previously worked and posted that it does not work like that. Creating the disc will not make the UPGRADE version into a full version.
It is an upgrade version and as such needs to see another active OS installed to work. Someone has already tried the double install trick that previously worked and posted that it does not work like that. Creating the disc will not make the UPGRADE version into a full version.

That's 100% incorrect. It's a full retail version. You don't need to see anything. I don't even know why they call it an upgrade because it's not. I created a bootable disc after downloading and converting the files into an ISO. I did a "custom" install, formatted my HD (twice even...because I thought the format took an abnormally short amount of time), and then installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 Pro 64.
I can vouch and say this is the FULL version. I made the iso and realized I had a brain fart. A far easier me and faster method is to put the files onto a USB stick!

1. I formatted my 8gb USB stick FAT32 (since my laptop doesn't like ntfs boot).
2. From elevated command prompt, go into the BOOT directory of the expandedsetup directory and type:
bootsect /nt60 G:

(Where g is your usb stick)
3. Copy the contents of the expandedsetup directory onto the usb stick and restart!
I can vouch and say this is the FULL version. I made the iso and realized I had a brain fart. A far easier me and faster method is to put the files onto a USB stick!

1. I formatted my 8gb USB stick FAT32 (since my laptop doesn't like ntfs boot).
2. From elevated command prompt, go into the BOOT directory of the expandedsetup directory and type:
bootsect /nt60 G:

(Where g is your usb stick)
3. Copy the contents of the expandedsetup directory onto the usb stick and restart!

Well that sounds much easier. I'll give it a shot once I'm sure I have everything I need backed up and ready to nuke.
If you have data on a separate partition as I did, I found I could just delete my old win 7 partitions and keep the 3rd (data partition) during the install process.
That's 100% incorrect. It's a full retail version. You don't need to see anything. I don't even know why they call it an upgrade because it's not. I created a bootable disc after downloading and converting the files into an ISO. I did a "custom" install, formatted my HD (twice even...because I thought the format took an abnormally short amount of time), and then installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 Pro 64.

I stand corrected. I read other posts that were stating to the contrary. I created the iso but used my limited edition Ultimate for the install instead. I freely admit when I am wrong, i'm ok with not knowing everything. :D
So really, one just needs a Windows 7 Professional bootable disc? It doesn't have to be the exact one downloaded, correct?
Though I can't confirm it with certainty, the FAQ on the site says that the Windows we're getting is the same version as the one you would get in a store. One would assume any Windows 7 installation disc would work.

EDIT: Well I completely wiped out my main HDD (deleted all the partitions and created the necessary ones) and installed/activated Windows 7 onto it. No jumping through hoops with the previous OS. Sweet!
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Ok, I just did a clean install from a flash drive on my Lenovo laptop. Activation went smoothly and everything is blazing.. Seems like a hot deal for $30.. Can't complain :D.
Another chime in... did the student upgrade (win 7 professional 64bit) onto a freshly formatted HD and jumped through the ISO hoop to create the bootable DVD. All is going well using the method outlined in the "answer" of this thread:

Thanks, burning my disk now.

Does the student upgrade version allow you to move the key from 1 computer to another? I would like to run it now, but I also plan to upgrade next month.