Windows 7 Desktop Icons > Dock


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 6, 2005
Let me start off by saying: I HATE desktop icons. Cluttered desktops annoy the crap out of me. Therefore, I try to keep mine as clean as possible. However, this is often not possible because I use my desktop space to store, organize, and sort on-going, but temporary work.

If I download something I intend to use once, at a later date, then remove, it goes on the desktop. Probably not good in practice, but good for me to be able to prioritize my work, and remember important upcoming work.

What I want to be able to do is take all of the desktop icons, folders, shortcuts, RECYCLE BIN, and everything else, and move it to an auto-hiding dock.

Anyone know of a good solution?
You could try ObjectDock 2.0.

Here's my setup just to give you an idea of what you can do.

Hide the desktop icons. Then open a new desktop toolbar on the taskbar and set it to auto-hide.
You could try ObjectDock 2.0.

Here's my setup just to give you an idea of what you can do.

Hm.... I didn't know the new object dock let you use it in place of desktop icons...

I'll try that out, thanks. :)
+1 for fences.

I use it every day and love it. It lest you create "windows" on your screen that you can drag icons into to categorize them. Or you can leave them on your desktop -- doesn't matter.

What I like is -- double click the desktop and the icons fade away. Double click again and the fade back.
+1 for both Objectdock pro and fences. I can't stand wincustomize but, embarrassingly enough, it looks like Stardock threw up all over my Win installs. :eek:

Right when I was starting to get really frustrated with Objectdock, they threw up the 2.0 beta (now final and for sale). Its a nice update and it does allow you to completely clear your desktop and permanently hide your taskbar.
I recently began a search for a dock for the very same purpose. I ended up with objectdock.