Windows 7 Auto-Boot?


Sep 30, 2003
I just finished building my new i7 Windows 7 box and have an issue that's stumping me.

My old C2D W7 box had some setting on it that would start the computer without me actually doing anything. ie. I turn it off at night, then in the morning, it would be on, sitting on the login screen. I resolved the issue somehow (not sure exactly what did it). Now with the new build, the same issue is cropping up.

I already turned off everything that I can think of, Wake on LAN, Power Settings, in W7 and BIOS, Settings in system update, etc. It's still doing it.

The only thing that has it's hooks into it other than a standard W7 build is, but I checked the settings there for my new comp and the old one and it's the same. So it's probably not logmein doing it.

Any ideas of what I could have missed? This is really bugging me!
I was under the impression that Wake on USB is for sleeping/hibernating machines, not to power on from complete shut down stage.

I know I did not turn off WOU on my old machine. =) I'll look into it though.
check any auto power on settings in the BIOS?
I believe my EVGA motherboard has the option, and I know numerous models of Dell desktops I work with do also.
Although that setting is normally turned off by default.

They may be in a different spot than power settings?
Wake on USB has caused this issue for me in the past when I had removable drives plugged into the machine.

^ And yes, some motherboards do have an auto power on feature in the BIOS, so that would be something to check as well.