Windows 7 and TRIM


Oct 7, 2007
Has it been announced whether TRIM is going to be supported at release? Or is it going to be added later as an update?
You would need to check the product page for that. :p If TRIM works on Vista, it should work on Win7 if it is what I think it is.

Google first, and if that fails at least try to give enough information for someone to help.
You would need to check the product page for that. :p If TRIM works on Vista, it should work on Win7 if it is what I think it is.

Google first, and if that fails at least try to give enough information for someone to help.

It was my understanding that it is a new feature for Windows 7...
If it's been formally announced by MS in the same sentence as Win7, Win7 will support it from launch. MS learned the lesson of promising more than you deliver very, very well from Vista and took all sorts of steps to make sure no mistakes of that sort would ever be made with 7.
.... this is a really big WHO CARES when you read the article. its a technology that is surprisingly not implemented yet with ssd's, and even when it does become mainstream most people won't know about it or even notice much of a difference.
.... this is a really big WHO CARES when you read the article. its a technology that is surprisingly not implemented yet with ssd's, and even when it does become mainstream most people won't know about it or even notice much of a difference.

It'll prevent slowdowns as you use your SSD over time/when it gets full. "Who cares"? I do. I think that's awesome.
.... this is a really big WHO CARES when you read the article. its a technology that is surprisingly not implemented yet with ssd's, and even when it does become mainstream most people won't know about it or even notice much of a difference.

Actually, the controller built into the OCZ Vertex already supports the TRIM command. I'm pretty sure Intel's does too. Its more that we are waiting for an OS to implement it.
i guess im saying this is more like something that should have been done as ssd's were originally designed. but again, ssd's are very new still, so this is basically getting it done right away....