Windows 7 and download speed


Feb 4, 2008
Anyone else experience this?

I had a 2-3 year old windows 7 installation on which my mIRC and transfers were capped at 2.5MB/sec (with additional concurrent transfers I was able to max my connection). Interesting oddity was that the US bots on mIRC were able to break the 2.5MB/sec barrier, but all EU bots were capped.

So I install windows 7 few days ago because I was moving hardware between my PCs. Both mIRC (EU bots) and connections are no longer capped, saturating my connection (10MB/sec).

Since servers are probably in EU, just like the EU bots on mIRC, I thought maybe with the fresh install of Win7 the routes to those servers changed...but they're the same. I verified with tracert.

Whenever reinstalling OS I always install the same software, configure the OS and software and make images.

Going forward, whenever I install a new application I will monitor for the return of caps.

I have not noticed http traffic being capped like those two applications, which makes this very strange.

Any ideas?
Figured it out, thought not yet down to the specific registry key.

In registry there is a branch, "Nsi":

This controls the networking settings.

I've compared the contents of the branch with a version from where I had no slowdown to the version with slowdown. In the slowdown version, there are 2-3 new keys and some of the same keys have different values.

I merged the good Nsi branch with the slowdown Nsi branch and have full download speed again.

In the future I might try to understand exactly which one or many keys actually are responsible for the slowdown so that I can change those on my other PCs, which experience the same issue.
the lastest I have seen on my downloads is 5MB sec... bottleneck is that there internet connection