Windows 2003 x64 problem.


Jan 28, 2002
Sorry the title can't be more descriptive I don't even know what keywords to use. The server is timing out on things, lots of things I think its an internal issue but I don't know what.

The network doesn't function, its connected and it will tell you so but it won't pass traffic. I've done everything I can think to do but nothing has helped. I've restart (of course) chkdsk, tried disabeling the cards (more on that) tried the repair and so on. When I check the status when I can I see that I'll send 3 packets maybe get about 480 and then nothing else.

I'm starting to not think its the network persey but another internal issue. When I try to do anything like look at the properties of the card at first whatever program I did it from freezes, either explorer or an mmc. Later the coputer will catchup a little bit and Give me the error that some services may not have started and then I see the network icons in the tray and I can click them and see properties status etc etc. If I try to do something like disable them or remove them then the program freezes again. Such maniuplation in safe mode isn't a problem but I ran just safe mode not with networking. That is next.

I'm just trying to get ideas going so I can get this working since this is oh just you know one of thoes mission critical servers :)

Any ideas? I've been at this for three hours and I don't think I've gotten anywhere.
Bingo k1pp3r!

Its on board and we don't have any nics but we were using board 1 of 2. Now we are using board 2 of 2, #1 is dead.

Probably the accessing of the card caused windows to time out like nuts, I had plugged in card 2 but it wouldn't respond either until I noticed what was an error pattern falshin on the LEDs on the back on card 1. After I disabeled it in the bios we were able to get going on card 2.

Off to call Dell