Windows 2000 reverse DNS expiration


Jul 24, 2000
I manage a win2k DNS server and am finding that my reverse dns lookup zones are populated with old dhcp information, where one ip will be assigned to 5 different computer names.
I haven't found a good resource on what the reverse dns expiration options are.
I see options for Zone aging and scavenging, but not sure what the options mean.


Anyone experienced with reverse DNS aging?

That's the screen where you need to configure how many days your DNS server will scavenge a stale resource record. In your case this should be enabled and the amount of days you want the DNS server to check-in with the zones is really up to you and how busy your network is. This needs to be set in both forward and reverse lookup zones.

Also, are you using windows DHCP ? if so, do you have this configured ?

Just check the box to enable scavenging. It's a good idea to enable scavenging on any zone that allows dynamic updates. The two options are for how often DNS tries to refresh the record and how long to wait before scavenging a stale record. The defaults are usually fine. If you want to be more aggressive, set them both to 1 day.
So if i turn on aging on my zones, will that age out records that i've manually added or only those added from dhcp?
Your manually entered (static) records will remain unaffected. It only affects dynamically registered entries, whether from the client or from DHCP.