Windows 2000 on a Laptop?


Jun 12, 2006
I was talking with my mom and she mentioned how much she hates Windows XP and how much she liked the Windows before it. She has a Dell Inspiron 1100 with a 2ghz(?) Celeron. 256mb RAM, Intel Extreme Graphics, so you can imagine XP is pretty sluggish.

Windows 2000 came to mind. It has the interface of 98 but the compatibility of XP. And if it runs snappy on my PII 333mhz it should run great on her laptop. How does it work on a laptop? I already looked up drivers for her wireless card (TrueMobile 1300) and there are drivers for 2000, so that shouldn't be a problem.

I guess I'm asking is, how does Windows 2000 run on a laptop? Any problems I should be aware of?

Thank you very much.
2000 works fine on a laptop. But if she doesnt like way xp looks why not just switch it to classic view. Also set the advanced preformance settings to "preformance". It will look just like 98 and gives a good boost in speed on slower systems. Either way xp should run fine on that machine.
If you upgraded her memory, it would run much better. Either OS you choice, I'd upgrade the memory. That's my guess as to the sluggishness, not the OS.
I run 2k on my lappy with centrino hardware control.. Its great.. I love it.