Windows 10 & Leaktest


Limp Gawd
Oct 12, 2004
I know this probably seems pretty trivial, especially since it's 10 years old (literally, go look)... but I ran leaktest after a fresh install of Windows 10 TP, and it failed (I didn't alter any Windows firewall settings at all). I'm pretty sure this is a problem with my settings or something else, but can someone else please download leaktest (on Windows 10 TP) to confirm I'm not going nuts?

I know windows probably changed a lot since the last release of this software... but still.. I'd think this would work and not be able to penetrate my firewall (like it is now).

Download here (bunch of other neat tools too, although I'm sure most of you have been there before).

Just curious/wondering why it's reporting that it was able to get through... thanks :confused:


Edit: Also, before anyone thinks it: NO, I did NOT allow leaktest through the firewall. I specifically made sure not to do this, because when I was in school I made the mistake of doing that, so now I consciously make sure to look for any firewall prompts (otherwise, I'd prolly doubt myself right now and not even be posting this).
Windows Firewall by default allows all outbound traffic.

You're absolutely right, but I actually already knew that (my mistake). About a day after I posted this, I realized that program (Leaktest) only tested outbound connections. I initially figured it was testing inbound, but realized I was wrong after remembering the program connected to a private server, and then went and read the website more carefully. I feel like I wouldn't have gotten so confused if I wasn't questioning why testing for outbound connections (or "leaks", as the program calls them) is needed. Besides malware running on an already-infected computer/device connecting back, how are outbound connections a security risk at all? I feel a little confused... unless there's no more to it than that? :confused: