Windows 10 Bug Allowed UWP Apps Full Access to File System

I have concerns but, what you are saying is way overboard. Also, as far as loving an OS, only the Amiga and OS/2 Warp were the OSes I loved. Linux is nice and useful but I could not love it.

Shits weak.
Amazing how strong the hate for Windows 10 is, that people will complain when Microsoft fixes a security hole!
I imagine a movie scene where a girl confesses to her boyfriend she's no longer cheating on him in secret and gets mad that he's upset.
Given the tone and language of your post, it seems your mind is already made up. You don't actually want to have a discussion with anyone to the contrary. Ultimately it's your opinion as it is anyone's who disagrees with you.

I have an Xbox One and I play several 'Play Anywhere' titles on both the Xbox and my PC. Never had problems. Really nice to be able to go between the systems and have saves seamlessly work between both.

Yup, I want as little to do with Microsoft and their crappy products as I possibly can. And a lot of others feel this way too...hence the failure of Windows Phone and the dismal sales of Xbox.