Win7 RC - Desktop icons gone and can't drag boxes..


Fully Equipped
Mar 26, 2008
I know thats a lame description, but its all I can really saw about it.

Nothing changed, just all of a sudden, I could no longer click and drag selection boxes on the desktop and some of the shortcuts I had there disappeared. Yet if I go to the desktop folder inside my user folder all the shortcuts are still there. If I download a file to the desktop it only shows up in the desktop folder, not on the actual desktop.

WTF happened?

Icons in Desktop folder, but not on desktop (I'm talking about the text documents, not the first few, I have those turned off manually:

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Probably hid the icons I think.

right click on the desktop -> view -> show desktop icons.

I'm betting that check box is unchecked.
Its funny that I have been using Windows for so long and have never even known about that feature... figures I accidentally check it then think something is broken.. lol
