win2k and 2k3 remote only?

Dec 11, 2001
Hey all,

I'm setting up a windows server soon, either 2K or 2K3 evaluation. I plan on putting the box in the corner out of site, Is it possible to do this and just remote into it using remote desktop? Or will they moan about not having a mouse and keyboard, or monitor?
RDC should be fine to admin a machine. The only time I've had problems with RDC is when a program requires it to run locally. The only one I've ever seen do this is Adaptec storage manager pro. I use this to control my scsi raid card. When I start it from a terminal server session it will open the program on the main console. I just use VNC to access then.
It's possible, sure (though you'll naturally need the KVM for initial setup). I've got a 2KPro web server that sits in the back of my closet with a power cable and an ethernet line.

Given the option, though, I'd opt for some sort of regular access. Racks + KVM equipment are pretty nice.
lomn75 said:
Given the option, though, I'd opt for some sort of regular access. Racks + KVM equipment are pretty nice.

Yea, thos getting the rack stuff in the UK isnt as easy, and they all cost a good sum :(
Digital-Vortex said:
Yea, thos getting the rack stuff in the UK isnt as easy, and they all cost a good sum :(

It is the most ideal situation to have a KVM, but I've found that the RDC/VNC solution will work. Just be sure to have a keyboard/mouse/monitor close by just in case you need some boot time info.
Go 2K3 if you can. Native RD support. If you run 2K server you'll need to install terminal server, application mode. Basically the same thing but with 2K3 RD you can run your session as if you were at the console.
ktwebb said:
Go 2K3 if you can. Native RD support. If you run 2K server you'll need to install terminal server, application mode. Basically the same thing but with 2K3 RD you can run your session as if you were at the console.

thanks, i was thinking of going with 2k since it wont expire, but il just ghost the server till i understand enough about linux :D
ktwebb said:
Go 2K3 if you can. Native RD support. If you run 2K server you'll need to install terminal server, application mode. Basically the same thing but with 2K3 RD you can run your session as if you were at the console.

Huh? 2000 has built in terminal services that can run in *remote admin* mode which does not require a licensing server to be setup unlike running terminal services in application mode which does require a licensing server.

Granted with 2k3 you can connect to the console session, but that hardly does not qualify as a reason to go with 2k3 over 2000.
yep, administration mode, not application mode. too much crack this morning. it does have to be installed via add remove, unless of course you install it during setup specifically. console session is worth it to me but opinions vary I suppose. certainly not the only reason to go 2k3 over 2k. merely one of them.
Why VNC? If you have 2k3...

mstsc /console

from the command prompt. w00t! RDP to the console desktop not a separate session!