win2003 ftp vs win2000 ftp


Jul 24, 2000
I am working on replacing a file server and need to setup ftp.
I have everything setup identical to the old server. Paths, rights, etc.

One extra note, both servers are members of the same domain.

The problem I am having is this...

On the old win2k server, a person could sign on with just their user ID and password,

now on the new win2k3 server, they have to enter the user ID as like this "domain\userID"
where the old server would just be "userID".

Any thoughts as to what would cause this change or how to correct it.
I'm assuming you are using IIS...

From Memory...
Go into IIS Manager. In the properties of the FTP site, go to security tab. Under authentication, you'll want to have basic authentication and you can fill in the default domain.
Yeah using iis 6.0
i found what you were talking about, but i had to install the web server to get access to it.
And even after setting it up in there, it still requires the "domain\username" to login via command line.