Win X has gone crazy.... Do I have to format??


Feb 9, 2002
Hi guys...

My pc lately is behaving really srangely...

My little brother keeps downliadng new software nd trying all sort of things, and consequently making many problems, but I let him do this so he can learn all the time... believe that y makig errors, one learns more things... But this time I can't fix it myself :p

All of a sudden, all applcations, even the original ones which came with Windows XP, stoped from workig... Each time I try to run a program/application, the "Open With..." windows pops up... I ssume that the essential EXE file are corrupted...
this with the exception of Windows Explorer (I have no idea why)and Windows explorer to browse the contents of the HDs, but nothing else...
Even when I try to chage the clock, it gives me an error message: "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe - application not found"

now, I really don't know what to do.. Can it be a virus??

I tried reinstalling Windows - WITHOUT formatting the HD, but I couldn't... the setup process doesn't start at all from inside wndows using the XP CD, since it;s another process!!

I tried to restore the OS to a previous restore point, but again, nothing... I tied to get into the Safe Mode in order to make a restore point according to This article , but when it starts laoding the files for the Safe mode, he PC freezes while loading the file mup.sys (or somehtig similar)...

is there any chance I can fix the essential ,exe files corrupted without having to format everything?? I really have no time for installing all the programs again..

Is t posile to re-install XP while preserving the programs install configuration??

Thnx a lot in advance.. :)
Phoenix86 said:
I would try a repair install before formatting. XP Pro Repair Reinstall

There are links for Home reinstalls as well. GL

thanx for the suggestion, I actually tried to do that even before, but even during the installation the same OPEN WITH message appeared!! That was weird!!

Anyway, I've just done a fresh Copy after formatting the HD... already finished... fixing it would have taken much more time :p

Thanxy :)