Win 2K not found when booting


Jul 24, 2004
I have an old paper weight of a computer (Dell Dimension XPS D266) that is being put back into service as a postage print station. The problem I'm having with it is that on boot an operating system is not found. The hard drive (Maxtor D740-6L) is jumpered for master. When I run the Windows 2K (don't think anything more would run on it) boot disks the drive is found, it is partitioned, and the first part of the windows 2K install occurs. Then when the computer reboots to finish the install I'm left with the “operating system not found” message. I have not messed with windows 2K in a very long time. I'm thinking the problem might be some sort of IDE control software by Maxtor from that era or something (that's my best guess). Anyone have a clue what could be wrong? Anyone know how to fix it? If it is a hard drive software issue, does anyone have a link to where I can download it? Any help would be great. I know its a piece of crap box, but I really don't want to spend money and time on putting together a new machine just to run a web browser and some print drivers.
I would verify that the drive is set to be the boot drive in the bios and the hard drive is the first boot device. Check the ide cable and the jumper on the drive.