will you be getting Ivy Bridge?

Upgrade to IB?

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I think ill just wait for skylake 2015 or skymont due out 2016

Any chips made before these wont have any real advancements compared to what has been out in the past year. Just hype and fluff to drain your pockets :D

It depends on what you are coming from, for some it would be a huge upgrade.
I think ill just wait for skylake 2015 or skymont due out 2016

Any chips made before these wont have any real advancements compared to what has been out in the past year. Just hype and fluff to drain your pockets :D

If you've got SB, than IB is not something you really need. If you have an older Kentsfield or something, it might be something to consider. All depends.

If you're lucky.

I ordered my IB from TigerDirect on launch day (4/29). It STILL isn't here.

Wow. This seems odd...when I went to buy my IB proc at Fry's a week ago (the 30th) they had 11 in stock...

I guess people ignored Fry's?
I probably did look at Fry's, but they either didn't have it, or the price wasn't as good as at TigerDirect. I bought my 3570K for $209.99, and there's a rebate for an additional $20 off, for an effective price of $189.99 (assuming the rebate is honored, at least).

I don't even see any IB items on the Fry's website.

Sure wish I had a Fry's or Microcenter anywhere nearby. Then I could have gotten a good price, and had it quickly.
If you've got SB, than IB is not something you really need. If you have an older Kentsfield or something, it might be something to consider. All depends.

Wow. This seems odd...when I went to buy my IB proc at Fry's a week ago (the 30th) they had 11 in stock...

I guess people ignored Fry's?

Probably with good reason, I went to frys this past weekend, and asked how much the 3770's were, $314 for S and regular, $359 for k.

Didn't ask about the 3570k, but I can only imagine.
Probably with good reason, I went to frys this past weekend, and asked how much the 3770's were, $314 for S and regular, $359 for k.

Didn't ask about the 3570k, but I can only imagine.

Huh, I got mine for $300 in the end, after arguing with them a little, and it was listed for $330. Which store did you go to? I went to the one in Renton, WA...
Upgraded from a 920 @ 4ghz on a P6X58D Premium to a 3770K @ 4.5ghz on a Z77 Sabertooth. About the same temps. It's a solid boost, but not monumental.

I could've been happy with my 920 D0, but it was rebuild time. Really looking forward to Haswell.
Think I've finally decided on my upgrades:

Asus Sabertooth Z77
Core i7 3770K
Corsair H80
Vengeance Series 16GB DDR3-1600

These are the exact items I had in mind for an upgrade. I'd like to go with a 4GB version of the 680 when it gets released and run a multi-monitor setup eventually. I used to have an Eyefinity setup, but then I got rid of it, now I want it back in a big way. go figure. :rolleyes:
Just an update here. Real happy with what I am seeing from MSI Z77A-GD55 and the 3570K combination. SuperPi 1M calculations 7.2 seconds @ 4.2GHz (stock cooler, not attempting any real OCing, this computer is for my mother). My Q9550 does it in 12 seconds @ 3.8 GHz.

Everything is incredibly responsive. Content seem to generate faster as well in Firefox. The MSI tools and Click BIOS II are nice. No issues what so ever, even after everything has been installed and tweaks and adjustments has been made. Runs UTII perfectly too via CPU :D

While this is nice, I feel very comfortable about waiting for Haswell + GK110.
FINALLY got my i5-6570K from TigerDirect today. I ordered it on 4/29, so that's 7 business days for UPS EternityShip...er, Basic service.

I signed up for my rebate the same day, and I'm glad I did. Apparently, a few days later, not only was TD out of stock on the -3570K, but they also stopped offering the $20 mail-in rebate in addition to the $40 launch-day discount. Today, the -3570K is priced at $249.99, just like everywhere else.

Going to mail my rebate stuff in tomorrow. I'll post again if/when I actually get the $20 mail-in rebate.
I just gave in to temptation today and picked up the 3570k/Asus Z77-V Pro combo for $370 from the local Microcenter. I'm upgrading from an antequated Phenom II 965 BE, so it should be a big jump for me. My XSPC Raystorm block will be here tomorrow, and I'll get it up and running!
Poll needs more options imo.

"Will you be buying IB and do you have a SB currently?"

It would probably be much more interesting to see the numbers broken up into 4 options.
I think I'll probably go to Ivy. I have absolutely no need to, but just for pure entertainment I might build one.
I just gave in to temptation today and picked up the 3570k/Asus Z77-V Pro combo for $370 from the local Microcenter. I'm upgrading from an antequated Phenom II 965 BE, so it should be a big jump for me. My XSPC Raystorm block will be here tomorrow, and I'll get it up and running!

I am really wishing I lived within a reasonable distance from a Micro Center. :(
I am really wishing I lived within a reasonable distance from a Micro Center. :(

Yeah, their prices are pretty ridiculous. I had to exercise lots of self control while I was in there. I was eyeing a new SSD (I have an old Intel 320) and some pc2400, but I was able to resist temptation. I felt like a kid in a candy store.
My i5-3570k arrived today. I paid 189.99 before the 20.00 rebate from Tigerdirect. I would have gone to Microcenter, but don't have time during the week. I'm upgrading from a PII 955.
I think I'll probably go to Ivy. I have absolutely no need to, but just for pure entertainment I might build one.

Exactly what I did: sold my old Nehalem RAM/CPU Mobo for enough to fund the CPU and RAM, then basically bought a new mobo. I'm happy :D
I got 2500K more recently so I'll be sticking with it for a while, at least for another 3-5 years. I'm sure I'll be fine
http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0388577 i5 3570K $189

and 50 dollars off any mobo you combo it with which is nice.

Asus P8Z77-V Deluxe $224 with processor combo. thats well over 100 dollars savings compared to newegg for the same stuff.

Nice choices. Wish the nearest MC wasn't about 4 hours away from me. I would have been all over the same MoBo and IB as I ended up getting from NE and saved a ton.
Nope, it's kind of like going from Northwood to Prescott.

No, if you knew anything about Prescott, you'd know this is false. Prescott consumed MORE power than Northwood, while only scaling SLIGHTLY higher in speed, and performed about the same clock for clock.

Ivy Bridge consumes LESS power and generates LESS heat than Sandy Bridge, and outperforms Sandy Bridge clock for clock.
No, if you knew anything about Prescott, you'd know this is false. Prescott consumed MORE power than Northwood, while only scaling SLIGHTLY higher in speed, and performed about the same clock for clock.

Ivy Bridge consumes LESS power and generates LESS heat than Sandy Bridge, and outperforms Sandy Bridge clock for clock.

From what I hear not by a whole lot.
Nice choices. Wish the nearest MC wasn't about 4 hours away from me. I would have been all over the same MoBo and IB as I ended up getting from NE and saved a ton.

My local MC in NJ seems to be out of stock of any worthwhile mobos.
No I am good with my i5-2550K right now. Got up to 5ghz on 1.45Vcore so far. =D
I'm not crazy about the TIM with Ivy Bridge Processors and don't plan to go with it at this point though a crazy low price might entice me.:p

I don't overclock so having the best mobo and the heat worries from a overclock isn't a concern of mine.
I dont see the point of upgrading to IB. I'm currently on I5 2500K at 4.3Ghz. That being said I just ordred a laptop with a mobile IB, my old laptop was a core 2 duo T5750, so this should be quite a jump to a i7-3610QM.