Will this video card support 3 display devices at once?


Will this card support 3 devices at once? Namely 2 22'' monitors via DVI, and a HD tv via HDMI?

I want triple monitors, with the 3rd being turned on and off intermittently for media watching.

If not, is there any that will?

You would do way better with a 5850 if you are willing to spend 30 dollars more. the 9800gx2 is an ok card, but it suffers really bad from microstutter and the 5850 can easily out perform it.
But you're saying that I can use 3 displays at once? 1 HDMI, 2 DVI?

I'm not really a gamer. But I really want to be able to watch blu ray rips with the good audio formats. All from 1 card?
But you're saying that I can use 3 displays at once? 1 HDMI, 2 DVI?

I'm not really a gamer. But I really want to be able to watch blu ray rips with the good audio formats. All from 1 card?

I'm not sure if it can or not. But even if it could, I agree with the others, get an ATI 5800 series instead. The 9800GX2 is actually kinda old and extremely over priced in my opinion.
Gotcha. I have no problem changing chipset makers, models etc. What is absolutely crucial is running 2 monitors via DVI and 1 TV from HDMI.
Gotcha. I have no problem changing chipset makers, models etc. What is absolutely crucial is running 2 monitors via DVI and 1 TV from HDMI.

Yes the 5870 will do 2 DVI and 1 HDMI connections for total of 3 at one time.
Yes the 5870 will do 2 DVI and 1 HDMI connections for total of 3 at one time.

No it wont. It'll do two DVI and one DisplayPort. The HDMI shares with the DVI, so you can only use two DVI or DVI+HDMI, or DVI+DVI+Displayport.
If you are not going to be hardcore gaming on it, you will do fine with a 5750 or 5770. You can get one of those and an active display port to dvi and you will be set.
^ He won't be able to do 3 monitors without an active adapter, or use a passive DisplayPort->VGA one (which is cheap). Its about ~$99 for the active, ~$30 for passive DP->VGA.
why not get a 5750 for the two dvi's and a 4350 for the hdmi to the tv? i would be cheaper then the 9800x2 and use less power.
honestly OP, if you aren't gaming, and you just want three monitors
get two graphics cards

you'll save something like $100-$150 over the 9800GX2, have a lot less noise/heat to deal with, and not need as capable a PSU

two 9500GT's (which are like $39.99/ea iirc) will drive four monitors with ease (you don't need any massive GPU power for just driving a desktop display, and the 9500GT does DXVA and so-on to boot)
I don't game at all.

I'm a ubuntu user who wants to use linux, dual monitors for my computing uses, and a 3rd monitor to throw up VLC player on my tv for HD bluray rips etc.

The reason I am so big on it being on a single card is that I don't have room on my motherboard for 2 big video cards. My 4870 barely fits, and my other PCIe slot is really close to my memory, which takes up alot of room as I have 4x2gb sticks + memory fans.
I don't game at all.

I'm a ubuntu user who wants to use linux, dual monitors for my computing uses, and a 3rd monitor to throw up VLC player on my tv for HD bluray rips etc.

The reason I am so big on it being on a single card is that I don't have room on my motherboard for 2 big video cards. My 4870 barely fits, and my other PCIe slot is really close to my memory, which takes up alot of room as I have 4x2gb sticks + memory fans.

did you go and look at the 9500GT?
its quite small

there are many other options in its price range as well
and if you're using Ubuntu, and just want the thing to drive another monitor, just go find some cheap $5 PCI card and throw it in there with your 4870 (or spend a bit more and get a nice new Radeon)

DXVA doesn't matter because you don't have DirectX

can I ask why you have the 4870 in the first place, if you aren't gaming? seems like wasted power

super cheap option:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127368 (I'd get two)

stupid expensive option:

same core config either way, one you just get to pay like 20x as much for
OP for what you are doing a hd 4650 would be fine to drive your two dvi monitors, and a hd 4350 for you hdmi tv. you say you don't have room for big cards, but both of these cards are small. the hd 4350 is a perfect choice for connecting to your tv. it has native hdmi on the card so there is no need for an adapter. the hd 4650 can be had with a single slot cooler and is a lot shorter then you hd 4870, 7.5 vs 9.5. the hd 4350 is only 6.7 inches long.
For a single card, the GTX 295 can drive two monitors via DVI and the TV via HDMI. If there is a GTX 260 model with the same plugs, I'd assume it could drive all 3 as well.
For a single card, the GTX 295 can drive two monitors via DVI and the TV via HDMI. If there is a GTX 260 model with the same plugs, I'd assume it could drive all 3 as well.

what gtx 295 can drive three monitors at the same time?? and the op isnt gaming, so why spend $500+ (if he could even find one for sale) not to game? op also said he doesnt have a lot of space in his case.