Will one 1080 Ti be able to do surround with 3 24" monitors?


Aug 27, 2007
Will one 1080 Ti be able to do surround with 3 24" monitors? I right now have 2 EVGA 980 SC's in SLI. Love SLI but not cost of buying 2 video cards.

It's a bit faster than your two 980s, so if you're currently content with that, you'll find it a decent upgrade (especially with all the extra VRAM).

Also, you shouldn't bother posting monitor size since that's completely irrelevant. At least your sig lets people know that they're 1920x1200 monitors.
Seeing as how the 1080 Ti is about as fast as two 980 Tis in SLI, and a 980 Ti is roughly half again as fast as a single 980, you're going to see a significant improvement overall - especially in games that do not support SLI well (or at all).

You might even be a bit CPU bottlenecked in certain games with a 4770K trying to drive a 1080 Ti.
Seeing as how the 1080 Ti is about as fast as two 980 Tis in SLI, and a 980 Ti is roughly half again as fast as a single 980, you're going to see a significant improvement overall - especially in games that do not support SLI well (or at all).

You might even be a bit CPU bottlenecked in certain games with a 4770K trying to drive a 1080 Ti.

It depends on how high its clocked. If he were on a single 1080P monitor I'd agree. 5760x1200 or whatever the portrait resolution is can be fairly demanding. So much so that he'll likely be more GPU bound than anything.
What resolution are you running? My 7970 pushes Eyefinity in a fair number of semi older titles without much issue. The last "major" title that I can recall was Tomb Raider (not Rise Of) where I ran it over medium settings without any issue at 5760 x 1200. The three Batman Games prior to Arkham Knight were fine at almost full settings, though City did chug in a few spots. Games that are well optimized of course perform much better and good drivers help.

As others have said CPU and other things can cause some issues. When I switched from my 1090T to the 5820k I saw a bit of an improvement but at that resolution its a lot for the card to push. Even more modern titles don't make it work as hard as that full resolution will in older titles.

Whenever my 1080 Ti arrives I look forward to a backlog of games and potentially new ones I play on regular resolutions to see how well they (if they do) support it.
Thanks to every one who replied. I'm going to hold off. I got $1300.00 in these 2 EVGA GTX 980 SC. I got them over 2 years ago. And it seems that one GTX 1080 Ti is really not that big enough in performance for me to buy right now.