Will GTX 275 last me until next generation?


Jul 30, 2006
I'm gaming at 1920x1200 and my 275 keeps up pretty well with everything. I have to turn some settings down in bfbc2 to get it to run smooth, but everything else feels fine. The reason I ask is because these 460's look soooo tempting.
I'm gaming at 1920x1200 and my 275 keeps up pretty well with everything. I have to turn some settings down in bfbc2 to get it to run smooth, but everything else feels fine. The reason I ask is because these 460's look soooo tempting.

A 460 (either 768 or 1GB) is roughly as fast as a 275; you'd basically be paying for DX11 and better efficiency, and sacrificing some RAM if you got a 768MB version of the 460. Might wanna wait for the next generation.

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I'd wait. I'm going to go back to my GTX 260 Super OC when it comes back from RMA. The 460 is a great card but unnecessary for those of us with GTX 200 series cards. It's going in my mini-ITX gaming PConsole experiment since it runs exceptionally cool.
I agree. A 460 would give you a few frames more but not sure it would be worth $200. I wouldn't consider anything less than a GTX470 / 5850 an upgrade.
Yeah, definitely wait. Driver updates should take care of you until the next generation of cards.
Ok cool. I'll wait. I was reading on here that some people were seeing nice improvements going from a 275 to a 460.
a gtx460 would actually be slower in some cases than your gtx275 so overall it would be a pretty silly "upgrade". I still don't know why people cant just look at all the benchmarks and make the determination themselves. :confused:

btw when asking for video card or upgrade advice, please ALWAYS list your other specs if you are not going to use a sig.
I'm thinking about picking up a gtx 275 for cheap to go sli, but I can't find any benchmarks for example on BFBC2 to compare with current-gen cards.
Simple answer, yes it will. But if you demand the highest settings at your monitors highest rez (19x12) in all games you play, then no. But if you're willing to settle with medium settings on some games you'll be fine. ;)
My GTX 275 is still running games great. In BFBC2 at 1920x1080 the only thing I can't max is AA (and really 8x MSAA is fine). In fact, I have more trouble with not being able to max the IQ any further with all these modern games that don't support AA.

Go for the SLI route if you're really itching to upgrade, it should have no problem beating a 460 and would be a heck of a lot cheaper if you bought used.
If gaming was the only thing I did with my gpu I would wait until next gen. The GTX 460 does perform a little better than my GTX 260, plus has DX 11, but there just aren't enough DX 11 games out now or due out for the remainder of the year. Most of the pc games I am looking at buying this year aren't DX11 I don't believe (Mafia 2, Two Worlds 2, Gothic 4, and finally getting around to the Sims3). I fear that the GTX 460 will be underpowered by the time DX11 games start coming non stop at us.

However, I Fold and it looks like the GTX 460 overclocked will give me about 3k PPD more than my overclocked GTX 260, plus uses less power than my card (which is important for Folding and keeping the electric bill down). Add that to the couple of extra fps I would get in games and for me I think it will be worth it.

I do plan to wait until Christmas and hopefully I can pick up a GTX 460 1gb for $179 or so. But like I said, just for gaming? No, probably not worth it for gaming alone.

Now, if they release the "rumored" GTX 475 then for gaming that might be worth the upgrade for gaming alone.
Well, I went for the second GTX275, I can't really complain at 135 dollars =D. Thanks hardforum! BTW, I've never really investigated folding. Is it all just for a good cause? It seems like so many people do it. Such nice people buying video cards to help out research.
Well, I went for the second GTX275, I can't really complain at 135 dollars =D. Thanks hardforum! BTW, I've never really investigated folding. Is it all just for a good cause? It seems like so many people do it. Such nice people buying video cards to help out research.

If you are interested in learning more about Folding@Home these links can explain it much better than I can. The basic idea is to assist in the medical research in helping to find the cure for cancer, alzheimer's, and various other diseases.


good info here guys. Im gonna hold on to my GTX 280 Superclocked for a few more months. I might actually just pass it down to my step son
Well, I went for the second GTX275, I can't really complain at 135 dollars =D. Thanks hardforum! BTW, I've never really investigated folding. Is it all just for a good cause? It seems like so many people do it. Such nice people buying video cards to help out research.

you should be happy with that setup. really the only reason I upgraded to the 5870 was due to issues with my monitor. my 280GTX worked just fine for most games. and DX11 is WAY over rated IMO. I haven't seen much done with it that could not have been done in other ways just as pretty.

folding at home is kinda of long shot depending on who you ask. I don't do it during the summer (heat and cooling make it unpractical) but during the fall and winter why not? that power would be going towards heating the home anyways and 99% of the time my card is rendering a screen saver or web browsing. so it might do some good so go ahead and put that card to use.