Will Cars Of The Future Run On Poop?

So take perfectly good manure that could be used as excellent fertilizer to help grow food and instead convert it into fuel?

Yay for the environmentalist wackos trying to ruin another good thing to try to prevent "global warming/climate change" that nothing they could do short of setting off thousands of nukes at the same time would have any long term affects on the climate.

Volcanoes spew way more than anything else. Maybe we should ban volcanoes.
I watched Mythbusters the other night and they built a solid fuel rocket using dog crap. They also made one fueled by jelly beans and of course a standard load. The performance comparison was surprisingly close, dog poop at the bottom but not too shabby. The jelly beans and dog poop left a black smoke exhaust trail.
Make the car seats toilet seats for mid trip refueling. I'd stop at Taco Bell when I needed to refuel. The explosive diarrhea dumps from Taco Bell could keep a car going for miles and miles.
Excuse me sir, I see you are about to flush that turd.. would you mind bringing that on out to my car instead? No?
The problem with poo is that unless there's something wrong with your intestines, it doesn't harbor much energy. Animals like Cows that can digest cellulose generate the most poop and has even less remaining energy value. I thought I'd never say it but there isn't enough bullshit to do this on a meaningful scale.