Will Battlefield 2 will need 2 GB of ram?


Limp Gawd
Apr 7, 2005
There is an interview with an EA designer claimed that BF2 will need 2 GB of ram to play on HIGH setting.

OK, i heard this from someone else but if you can comfirm this is true by giving a link, we would be greatly appreciated.

And if you think BF2 will not need 2GB of ram, please feel free to express your opinion.
I bet that is assuming that there is plenty of players playing at once and a midrange graphics card.

I bet you can still slide by on high settings with decent frame rates at 1 gig :p
UltimaParadox said:
I bet that is assuming that there is plenty of players playing at once and a midrange graphics card.

I bet you can still slide by on high settings with decent frame rates at 1 gig :p

what if it is under resolu 1600*1200 with max aa and af ? still decent frame rate? ok, the beginning may still GOOD but what if after 2-3 hours of game play, after all the maps load to the comp? hmm.........what do u think? (its like keep eating til u a full)
UltimaParadox said:
I bet that is assuming that there is plenty of players playing at once and a midrange graphics card.

I bet you can still slide by on high settings with decent frame rates at 1 gig :p

Yeah I saw the video from the other thread... the French guys I think. the training level took a good 2 minutes to load.
holycpu said:
what if it is under resolu 1600*1200 with max aa and af ? still decent frame rate? ok, the beginning may still GOOD but what if after 2-3 hours of game play, after all the maps load to the comp? hmm.........what do u think? (its like keep eating til u a full)

If the game is decently programmed I do not see how loading maps one after another should slow it down. Considering if they manage their memory correctly, they would close what they are not using ;)

And I am pretty sure with the current gen of graphics cards, we will probablly not be able to run at 1600 x 1200 with MAX AA and AF no matter how much RAM we have, unless of course you are running like 6800 GT/Ultras in SLi, but still 1 gig of RAM or 2 gig will probablly not make that much difference.

Then again this is mostly my speculation and opinion
Thats a trolling thread title if I ever saw one... Gonna post a link to that interview?

Ideal Minimum Machine:
-1.5 Ghz CPU
-512 Megabytes of RAM
-128 MB video card (requires support for 1.4 shaders)
-16x CD-ROM drive
-Directx 9.0b Compatible Sound Card
-4 GB free hard drive space
-MS compatible mouse
-Windows XP

Those are "minimum" requirementes :(

Dunno why computer game developers keep pushing their luck with very high demanding resources games, while console gaming is as good as it can get these days without the need of ram / cpu / videocard upgrading every 6 months :mad:

OldMX said:
Those are "minimum" requirementes :(

Dunno why computer game developers keep pushing their luck with very high demanding resources games, while console gaming is as good as it can get these days without the need of ram / cpu / videocard upgrading every 6 months :mad:

Maybe so we don't have to continually use the Quake 3 engine for every single game? Dunno why you are complaining anyway. Your system specs are far enough over minimum to not have to worry. Or did you build that system to just surf the net & send emails?
dude, what are you talking about, read the full post before jumping in with a dumb answer

and i built my computer to browse porn, happy now?

OldMX said:
dude, what are you talking about, read the full post before jumping in with a dumb answer

and i built my computer to browse porn, happy now?


Now thats a killer porn rig :) All you need is a projector so you can get life size images haha.
OldMX said:
dude, what are you talking about, read the full post before jumping in with a dumb answer

and i built my computer to browse porn, happy now?


BF2 Ideal Minimum Machine:
-1.5 Ghz CPU
-512 Megabytes of RAM
-128 MB video card (requires support for 1.4 shaders)
-16x CD-ROM drive
-Directx 9.0b Compatible Sound Card
-4 GB free hard drive space
-MS compatible mouse
-Windows XP

0ldmX System Specs:
Prescott 2.8E
Intel D865PERL
ATI Radeon 9800Pro
Audigy MP3+
1024MB Patriot
Hitachi 80GB
Western Digital 80GB
Samsung DVD-RW
WindowsXP SP2

I fail to see any dumb answer in anything I've posted regarding you. If you are refering to BF2 needing 2 gigs of memory from the original post. Well. I think you've proven to be the dumb 1 here.

Edit: As some1 else has posted already. Read the following link. http://forums.totalbf2.com/showthread.php?t=4550
How is the perfomance when settings/resolution is maxed?

With a 6800 GT, gig of PC3200, and a 3.0 GHz P4, it runs perfectly at 1280x960, 4xAA, all FX maxxed.
wtf, Rune75 mentioned it was trolling thread title and posted some specs.

i said those specs were the "minimal" posted here

i never complained about anything, i just made a comment about console gaming and you started the sarcasm about my computer specs how i use my computer

if you want to take this conversation in private go ahead, i wont argue about childish stuff in public

OldMX said:
i never complained about anything, i just made a comment about console gaming and you started the sarcasm about my computer specs how i use my computer

if you want to take this conversation in private go ahead, i wont argue about childish stuff in public


This sure looks & reads like complaint to me.
Dunno why computer game developers keep pushing their luck with very high demanding resources games, while console gaming is as good as it can get these days without the need of ram / cpu / videocard upgrading every 6 months
& I have no need to continue in PM. I am doing just fine here.
Stop with the stupid and stay on topic.
I'm going to abuse my mod powers and change the title of this thread as well because you're asking a question, not making a statement. A bold statement at that.
I just hope we dont need 10-20 patches like the last battlefield just to make the game playable. The load times sucked already in BF, then HL2 load times came... i cant imagine what BF2's will be like. I got a 3500+ with a gig of ram, that better be enough.
i surely hope my rig can run 1024 high or i'm going to be pissed(and looking to upgrade;) )

gig of ram
I'm going to bet it will run on 512MB, but LOTS of swapping and hitching, 1GB there will probably be some swapping, 1.5GB+ will be nirvana.
cant they program bf2 the same way has guild wars? i mean look at it, guild wars has maps 2/3 of the size of some of bf2 maps yet they load in a matter of seconds... if bf2 had these guys programing, im sure they can make levels load less den 10 seconds
Warmonkey said:
Only time will tell.
QFT... Wait and see.

And thank you odoe for changing the name of the thread. It needed to be done.
jonneymendoza said:
cant they program bf2 the same way has guild wars? i mean look at it, guild wars has maps 2/3 of the size of some of bf2 maps yet they load in a matter of seconds... if bf2 had these guys programing, im sure they can make levels load less den 10 seconds

But take into consideration the other 30+ players in the same map and you might have a lot to worry about.
MemoryInAGarden said:
Or make it mostly seamless, like WoW. ;)

Yeah but I am sure this 2GB is overhyped. Look at Doom 3... poeple freaked when they mentioned needing a 512mb vid card. And look what we got!
I am going to throw in an extra 512mb just in case later on. So i will have 1.5GB. Battlefield1942 ran smootly at 1GB so expect bf2 to use more.
I see 512 min
1gb on medium
2gb on high
Ram wise anyway, and remember windows xp doesn't use over 2gb, and only a very few amount of programs use 3gb.
My little 2600+, 1gig and 9700 Pro should still be able to let me play with my lan crew.
1GB of PC3200 will be fine. 2GB will be better, but I doubt it will make a significant difference in actual gameplay (Load times, however, are another story).