Will a 8800gts 320mb Help Me? aka s939 blues...


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2006
I am currently gaming with an s939 [email protected] on an Asus A8N-SLi, 2gb ocz, 2x 7600GT @600/800 and a 75gb raptor..

BioShock hurts my eyes and makes me nauseous because of frame lag. All settings OFF at native resolution(1680x1050 on a 22" 5ms). This setup can rock 2142, but BioShock literally gives me a headache. People in another post seem to think the rig is fine, just upgrade the vidcard. Would an 8800GTS 320mb help me out, or is it that s939 is too old for this game?
My rig ran bioshock poorly to. But rocks at BF, so I just sold bioshock... because I can't not game at native resolution anymore. It just looks like crap. I was pulling maybe 35FPS with everything off.

this gen of games is crazy demanding
Will a 8800gts 320mb Help Me?


SLI 7600s are really outmatched for new games at that resolution.

7900GS is showing its age too.
I won't need a new vid card and a dual core processor. I'm hearing on other posts that a dual core is necessary for bioshock
There is a review around showing that with the same video card a double core gets much better scores than a single core in this game so yes upgrade your cpu ;)
Bioshock loves dual core processors. You should maybe upgrade the processor too. With a 8800gtx @ 1600x1200 resolution you would see 20fps jump from a single core processor to a dual core processor.

A 8800gts would definitely help though.

I've noticed Sli doesn't scale too well with unreal engine too.
THX for the replies.

Looks like I'll have to drop @$400 for new vidcard/proc combo to satisfy this f****** game.
THX for the replies.

Looks like I'll have to drop @$400 for new vidcard/proc combo to satisfy this f****** game.

yea thats what i did on friday after work, new CPU\MOBO\RAM combo to help push my 8800GTS 320 which i bought last month. my old P4 would play bioshock and MOH-Airborne, R6-Vegas but my FPS would hover around the high 40's to mid 20's

and now with this new set up (see sig) things are playing super smooth at my moniters native res 1680x1050
Mac[X-D];1031398521 said:
yea thats what i did on friday after work, new CPU\MOBO\RAM combo to help push my 8800GTS 320 which i bought last month. my old P4 would play bioshock and MOH-Airborne, R6-Vegas but my FPS would hover around the high 40's to mid 20's

and now with this new set up (see sig) things are playing super smooth at my moniters native res 1680x1050

Why not a conroe?
for those still reading i'm about to do it like this...my finger is on the "purchase" button at newegg. screw it right??, this rig will ensure my gaming pleasure for at least a few years...gonna go all the way..$1070 thats with shipping...only option I am open to is different ram, im currently using ocz with asus and have not been impressed, I heard corsair was good with Asus. I find something I like and stick with it. I have put this A8N-SLi through hell and it runs like a champ, thats why I'm going back to Asus for the mobo, the rest of this load out speaks for itself...any better ram options for this mobo that I am unaware of? I already have an enermax liberty 500w so I should be good on that end with just one 8800...

asus p5n-e sli
intel q6600 kentsfield
4gb Corsair Twinx http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16820145034
Zalman cnps9500
Evga 8800gts 640
I was in the same boat, I have an aging s939 system with 2.4 ghz X2 1gig of ram and a 1900xt

i bought a 8800gts 640mb and it added new life to bioshock however i wanted more performance for upcoming games.

abit Ip35 pro
2gigs OCZ ddr2

are in the mail from newegg !!!

oh and your setup looks nice, however i would get a p35 based motherboard instead of that asus p5n, its already gettting dated. a nvidia 680 would be good too. trust me you want a motherboard to support upcomming 45nm tech
What does s939 have to do with anything? I'm on s939 and the game never dips below the mid 30's. Get a cheap processor, overclock it and grab your new videocard. Game will run fine. Then save up for when K10 releases and choose between intel and AMD for a new system.
I was in the same boat, I have an aging s939 system with 2.4 ghz X2 1gig of ram and a 1900xt

i bought a 8800gts 640mb and it added new life to bioshock however i wanted more performance for upcoming games.

abit Ip35 pro
2gigs OCZ ddr2

are in the mail from newegg !!!

oh and your setup looks nice, however i would get a p35 based motherboard instead of that asus p5n, its already gettting dated. a nvidia 680 would be good too. trust me you want a motherboard to support upcomming 45nm tech

45nm will be on s775?
if i haven't hit buy yet i would just say make sure the ram is certified sli ready, other than that nice little upgrade

Why not a conroe?

just a dollar figure i wated spend, cpu/mobo/ram were 406, 700w ps was another 180 it was my budget but i think i might go and pick up a 6000+ next month, not really because i need it, i think i just want it :)

Mac[X-D];1031398521 said:
yea thats what i did on friday after work, new CPU\MOBO\RAM combo to help push my 8800GTS 320 which i bought last month. my old P4 would play bioshock and MOH-Airborne, R6-Vegas but my FPS would hover around the high 40's to mid 20's

and now with this new set up (see sig) things are playing super smooth at my moniters native res 1680x1050

Getting me a bit to oexcited about my new babies arriving from NewEgg tomorrow :D
yea, BIoshock pushed me over the age and mage me upgrade my PC.
Do older dual core processors like the P-805D get both of it's cores used in new games like Bioshock ? or do only the newer dual core CPU's work as dual core with these new games ?
This setup can rock 2142, but BioShock literally gives me a headache.
BioShock is nausea-inducing because of its exceedingly narrow FOV. Download the unofficial FOV fix, follow the instructions to get the FOV you need, then give it a try. My bet is that this'll take care of those headaches.
BioShock is nausea-inducing because of its exceedingly narrow FOV. Download the unofficial FOV fix, follow the instructions to get the FOV you need, then give it a try. My bet is that this'll take care of those headaches.

I appreciate this reply, but I can recognize this frame lag for what it is. It is the same frame lag I got when I tried to play bf1942 with a gf4MX, and the same frame lag I got when I tried to play bf2 with a 9600XT.
Fair enough.

And, to answer your other question, S939 is still a fairly viable platform, but it's absolutely showing its age. At 2.7 GHz though, your proc's more than potent enough for a GTS.
oh and your setup looks nice, however i would get a p35 based motherboard instead of that asus p5n, its already gettting dated. a nvidia 680 would be good too. trust me you want a motherboard to support upcomming 45nm tech

This post got me thinking about the p35 chipset. I might as well upgrade with room for future technology. I'm still gonna go with the q6600. So with that being said...

this Gigabytye


this Abit
for those still reading i'm about to do it like this...my finger is on the "purchase" button at newegg. screw it right??, this rig will ensure my gaming pleasure for at least a few years...gonna go all the way..$1070 thats with shipping...only option I am open to is different ram, im currently using ocz with asus and have not been impressed, I heard corsair was good with Asus. I find something I like and stick with it. I have put this A8N-SLi through hell and it runs like a champ, thats why I'm going back to Asus for the mobo, the rest of this load out speaks for itself...any better ram options for this mobo that I am unaware of? I already have an enermax liberty 500w so I should be good on that end with just one 8800...

asus p5n-e sli
intel q6600 kentsfield
4gb Corsair Twinx http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16820145034
Zalman cnps9500
Evga 8800gts 640

Looks like a good upgrade. Hope you have a good PSU for that system.

Other than that, have fun with bioshock ;) and GL with the new rig.
I am currently gaming with an s939 [email protected] on an Asus A8N-SLi, 2gb ocz, 2x 7600GT @600/800 and a 75gb raptor..

BioShock hurts my eyes and makes me nauseous because of frame lag. All settings OFF at native resolution(1680x1050 on a 22" 5ms). This setup can rock 2142, but BioShock literally gives me a headache. People in another post seem to think the rig is fine, just upgrade the vidcard. Would an 8800GTS 320mb help me out, or is it that s939 is too old for this game?

I'd go for a 640MB GTS at that resolution. I played Bioshock on a 7900GT at 1280 x 1024 and it ran pretty well after taking shadow details off. Just got a card (as sig) but haven't tried it yet
This post got me thinking about the p35 chipset. I might as well upgrade with room for future technology. I'm still gonna go with the q6600. So with that being said...

this Gigabytye


this Abit

Nice, I like your thinking. I fancy doing exactly the same. Get a Quad core and use the Gigabyte mobo with some DDR6400. The spare parts go for a good price on eBay especially rare socket 939 CPU's
If you're 939 there's no huge reason to spend all that money and goto C2D right away. C2D Setup would mean buying Ram, Mobo, CPU and you want a video card too. Just upping your 939 to a nice dual core AND picking up a video card is going to be MUCH more cost effectice. And truthfully you're not going to be lacking in performance either. My Opty 175 + 8800gts 640 runs everything I throw at it perfectly, I image a C2D will be somewhat faster, but it's not going to be a huge enough difference to spend that kind of money on.
I went with AMD Athlon 64 6000, I would recommend it to ya, but yea, if you decided to go with Q6600, so be it!

From what I have been reading I think that a video card with 768meg of ram might be a good way to go for future games. Just go a little cheeper on the other stuff.
Look at ivan_gromov's sig, it looks like a good balance.
From what I have been reading I think that a video card with 768meg of ram might be a good way to go for future games. Just go a little cheeper on the other stuff.
Look at ivan_gromov's sig, it looks like a good balance.

That is what I figured, q6600 is overkill, I can save some cash, and if anything demanding comes out in the future, I would not feel so bad about upgrading some components :)
I have a Athlon FX-55 single core processor at 3.0ghz paired with a 8800gts 640meg and the game runs smooth at 1600x1200 all maxed out.