Wii rumor: $229, release as early as Nov 2nd

allright... all together

gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme!
As long as it doesnt miss a November launch Im happy. A week or two difference isnt a big difference to me. I just want Mario Galaxy, and Super Smash Bros, but both wont make launch. Zelda and Metroid are a given though, guess I will be buying one launch day..
yea.. you're right.. a week or two difference isn't that big a deal to me either..

but... i don't want it to be thanksgiving weekend though... i'd rather hve it before that.. or a week after that... just because i plan on buying at launch.. and i don't feel like deal with a bunch of animals fighting over productst hat are on special at al lthe different stores around here..

that.. and that i will be out of town that weekend..
Yeah, I don't really want one right now (nothing seems all that wonderful yet), but I like that price. I'll be ready for Mario Kart and THEN I'll be looking a little closer...
Domingo said:
Yeah, I don't really want one right now (nothing seems all that wonderful yet), but I like that price. I'll be ready for Mario Kart and THEN I'll be looking a little closer...
have you seen super mario galaxy and zelda?
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
yea.. you're right.. a week or two difference isn't that big a deal to me either..

but... i don't want it to be thanksgiving weekend though... i'd rather hve it before that.. or a week after that... just because i plan on buying at launch.. and i don't feel like deal with a bunch of animals fighting over productst hat are on special at al lthe different stores around here..

that.. and that i will be out of town that weekend..

Haha holiday season shopping, im always reminded of that Arnold Schwarzenegger movie Jingle all the Way when everyone is fighting over the toys when the store opens.

If this rumor is true, i'm gonna have a major dilemma around that time. $229 would be a really attractive price.

Do I buy the X360 HD-DVD drive, or do I buy a Revolution? I won't have money to buy both unfortunately..................
Cool, but I'm not buying the Wii until Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Brothers Brawl are out...
HighwayAssassins said:
have you seen super mario galaxy and zelda?

I played both at E3. SMG is great, but not a launch title so I'll pass. LOZ:TP plays the same on the Gamecube.. the only features TP uses on the Wiimote is aiming your Bow, and fishing.. thats it.. so again, I'll pass for now.
theNoid said:
I played both at E3. SMG is great, but not a launch title so I'll pass. LOZ:TP plays the same on the Gamecube.. the only features TP uses on the Wiimote is aiming your Bow, and fishing.. thats it.. so again, I'll pass for now.
i thought SMG was to be released at launch??
theNoid said:
I played both at E3. SMG is great, but not a launch title so I'll pass. LOZ:TP plays the same on the Gamecube.. the only features TP uses on the Wiimote is aiming your Bow, and fishing.. thats it.. so again, I'll pass for now.

and widescreen. if you have a widescreen tv, i think it's worth it...
Wii sounds too good to pass up.. I could upgrade to a 350$ graphics card to play my games with more detail, AA and AF ... or I can buy a Wii ++ :)
rayman2k2 said:
and widescreen. if you have a widescreen tv, i think it's worth it...

I didn't know that the Wii would do 16X9 but the GC wouldn't. Will it even do it RE4 style? It was 16X9 letterboxed, but I just set my TV to "zoom" and it looks fine. My first thought was - I'll just get Zelda for the GC, and no, I don't care about Mario Galaxy that much.
I'm not the gigantic Nintendo fan that some people are I guess. I love Mario Kart and Smash Bros. to death and there are a few random other games I enjoy (like Mario Party and Wario World), but beyond that, I'm not really into the new FPS Metroids or the Mario platformers.
I might pick one up depending on what comes out at launch. So far none of the new Nintendo titles have really interested me (the only Mario game I enoyed was Super Mario Bros on the NES, and later Mario Mix DDR on the GC, which, if they have a sequel to on the Wii, I will pick up in a heartbeat), but I would love to hook into their ROM DLing service and get to play the original Starfox again.


And if they manange to work out the licensing BS with Rare and get Goldeneye, it is a sure thing.
NulloModo said:
And if they manange to work out the licensing BS with Rare and get Goldeneye, it is a sure thing.

Nintendo published Goldeneye 007 (cite), so they may retain the rights to re-release it (no guarantees, of course, it all depends on their contract).
Domingo said:
I didn't know that the Wii would do 16X9 but the GC wouldn't. Will it even do it RE4 style? It was 16X9 letterboxed, but I just set my TV to "zoom" and it looks fine. My first thought was - I'll just get Zelda for the GC, and no, I don't care about Mario Galaxy that much.
I'm not the gigantic Nintendo fan that some people are I guess. I love Mario Kart and Smash Bros. to death and there are a few random other games I enjoy (like Mario Party and Wario World), but beyond that, I'm not really into the new FPS Metroids or the Mario platformers.

No dude, its true widescreen 16/9 in 480P.
LeviathanZERO said:
No dude, its true widescreen 16/9 in 480P.

I know, but I meant the GC - would it be in 16/9 that I could "zoom" ?
I don't really want to get a Wii quite yet. I'm not sure why, but I just have a strange feeling about it ;)
The GC does true widescreen also. (If the game supports it. F Zero GX looks absolutely stunning.) I have no idea why Capcom decided to letterbox Resident Evil 4. It washes out the image, the game still looks good, but i dont like it at all.
nice! definately going to be getting one on launch day. its worth it just for the virtual console alone.

btw, does wii support dolby digital 5.1?
Dolby Prologic II has been the GC standard.
I think that tidbit of information on the Wii hasnt been disclosed yet. (I dont know.)

Dolby Digital would be fan-fucking-tastic. (DTS oh so much more.)
I can tell a small difference between DTS and DD 5.1 in movies, nothing in games though, either one would work.
LeviathanZERO said:
Dolby Prologic II has been the GC standard.
I think that tidbit of information on the Wii hasnt been disclosed yet. (I dont know.)

Dolby Digital would be fan-fucking-tastic. (DTS oh so much more.)

i would assume dolby digital 5.1 considering they are apparently going to sell a dvd player accessory for the wii.
pandora's box said:
i would assume dolby digital 5.1 considering they are apparently going to sell a dvd player accessory for the wii.

Would be nice if the Wii supported Natively since they are the last to the party. Hell, I bet I could buy a toaster that plays DVDs now.
NulloModo said:
Would be nice if the Wii supported Natively since they are the last to the party. Hell, I bet I could buy a toaster that plays DVDs now.

On that note, we all know the Wii supports DVD size discs, but will it play movies? Nintendo hasn't exactly said if it will play movies or if the disc format is just for games. (Which is my assumption since they haven't said anything about movies. Theres no info anywhere, even at e3 they didnt elaborate.)
LeviathanZERO said:
On that note, we all know the Wii supports DVD size discs, but will it play movies? Nintendo hasn't exactly said if it will play movies or if the disc format is just for games. (Which is my assumption since they haven't said anything about movies. Theres no info anywhere, even at e3 they didnt elaborate.)

Who really cares if it will play dvds anyways, I have 2 Dvd players in my house and two computers that can play dvds, I don't really need another dvd device.

Anyways on topic, I'm definitly going to buy a Wii, most likely at or around launch, although I am awaiting the new smash brothers the most, and will pick up the twilight princess for the Wii as well, probably doesn't have the framerate drop that the gamecube version has. (or had at e3)
sculelos said:
Who really cares if it will play dvds anyways, I have 2 Dvd players in my house and two computers that can play dvds, I don't really need another dvd device.

Anyways on topic, I'm definitly going to buy a Wii, most likely at or around launch, although I am awaiting the new smash brothers the most, and will pick up the twilight princess for the Wii as well, probably doesn't have the framerate drop that the gamecube version has. (or had at e3)

WE were obviously talking about DVD, so you can take your stupid comment and go to another thread. :rolleyes:
Wii will play DVDs with an add-on... probably a remote that lets the Wii know to do something with the DVD in the drive.

And I've read that SMG will not be a launch title, but won't be too far behind. This probably isn't a bad idea since they already have Corruption and Twilight Princess at launch and both will sell systems. When the initial rush dies down, they can bring out SMG in the first or second quarter of 2007.
I hope they can make Spring 07, cause Miyamoto said during e3 I might be as long as 6 months after launch. (but that was in may...) I hope not, thats one of the games Im most excited about on the Wii.

But Metroid Prime 3, Zelda, and Red Steel (once they fix the motion detection) should be enough to keep me happy at launch.

Last count was 30 launch titles. INSANE. (Thats including 5 more ubisoft and 6 midway games. Actually the number might even be bigger. EA has alot of launch titles as well.)

Its starting to look like the Wii will have the biggest launch ever. Keep your eyes open. :cool:
A dvd player really isn't important... better if it sin't included if it will raise the price of the system. Nowadays consoles do everything except pump out consistent must haves.

which controller will the Wi come with?

I'm not rally liking this wimote too much... am I missing something? I haven't had a consdole since I sold my Xvox a while back... over a year ithink. Hated the GC controller and didn't really feel the PS2... though I have one... collecting dust in my nephews room.
There was more to the article when it was origionally posted the other day, but they removed chunks to cover their asses, and the devs they got the info from. Can't remember exactly but it mentioned Broadway's clock speed, as well as IBM working on a scaled down version for a handheld in the future, which for some reason IGN presume will play gamecube disks(which I very much doubt).
I wonder if they're going to have a firm enough release date so that I could go preorder... [drool]

I haven't touched a console in a few years. Wii has me excited. :D
What do you guys think about getting a Wii on launch day? I've never gone after any consoles on launch, but I've heard about the hours ahead of time people line up for Xbox360, PS2 years ago, etc.

Wii has me wondering though. I'm super psyched for it, as lots of others are as well. But then theres a large community of PS3/Xbox360 fans, who bash Wii as a kiddie system and would never consider buying Nintendo again. So how much of a showing do you think there will be on launch day? No doubt they'll be selling out everywhere, but how quickly.

Basically, how long would you guys predict you'll have to line up in advance, to be able to get a console when the store opens on launch day? Does pre-ordering give you any more security on launch day, are you out of luck if you dont pre-order one, even if you wait in line? I'm going to be in the center of Boston, so alot of people concentrated in a tiny area. I've got a BestBuy or EB Games which I could go to, to try and nab a Wii at launch.
230 is a horrible price point for this underpowered box. 70 more bucks gets you an entry level 360. Sure you dont get the "gimmick" controller the Wii is using, but who cares. Blech.

I was going to pick up a Wii if it was 150-199 just to have one, but at 230, i think ill skip over it until something makes it worthwhile. Aside from the speculation on how much "cool" swinging my remote around will be to play games.