WiFi Repeater Setup... having problems


Limp Gawd
Apr 1, 2004
I purchased two RNX-Easyn4 routers from newegg, and I'm trying to use one as a wireless repeater but I'm having problems.

Initially I could get the two to communicate and I thought everything was fine, but then I tried moving with a laptop between the two access points. There was no seamless roaming, and it was seeing the two wireless networks as separate networks altogether (wireless1 and wireless2). Now I'm having trouble getting the two pieces of hardware to communicate, and I've been messing with them for so long that I'm confusing myself further lol...

Could someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks guys,
do both networks have the same SSID? Are they on different channels? If you're connected to one AP can you ping the other one?
Both networks have the same SSID, when I use the wizard feature to set up the repeater it shows that they two are connected and it appears that uses the same channel as the router by default. I tried changing the router to a different channel and it looks like it changed it for the repeater as well. When we are connected to the network I CAN ping both APs, but roaming is still not working.
There was no seamless roaming, and it was seeing the two wireless networks as separate networks altogether

you arent going to get seamless roaming with bargain-bin grade access points. here is a good read on how the computer actually switches from one AP to another so you have some idea about whats happening behind the scene.

your routers also have to be a specific distance apart, and you need to know the coverage area and signal strength to be able to figure out the correct distance between them. the more attention you pay to this stuff, the more seamless it will appear to the end user.
are you using any type of encryption... specifically WPA2?

if so, try to knock it down to WEP and see if that makes a difference

Other than that, I'm not sure I can be much more help :(
Tried WEP, didn't help. They're probably working as advertised and are just cheapos. Thanks for the responses folks :)