Wierd CRC Issue


Mar 6, 2005
I'm running a CRC check (.sfv) on a set of files and some of the files will fail. I'll rerun the check and some of the failed files will pass, but different files from the set that passed, will now fail. Running it a third time will give different results. How can the hash on a file change and then change back? I've tried checking w/ two different apps and with my antivirus turned on and off. What is up? :confused:
Possible RAM and/or storage device issues. I recommend doing a full chkdsk w/ a bad sector scan & a full memory test on all RAM modules.
I'd already checked the drive and it was clean. Thanks for the suggestion, though, as the 4th stick of ram was the culprit.
:) Glad to help. If ECC wasn't so slow for high performance enthusiast/gaming systems, I think we'd be all using it. :(
True, true. A nudge in the right direction is always appreciated. The good news is that ram has gotten pretty darn inexpensive, so it is a cheap fix. :)