Wide Open West Internet Problems


Aug 31, 2006
Just thought it was worth mentioning to help anyone, several WOW customers in my area have been experiencing slow/intermittent internet problems the last few days, the problems are related to WOW's DNS servers and can be resolved (no pun) by using different DNS settings such as openDNS (http://opendns.org/).

WOW is currently denying that the problem is on their end, but it's pretty clear that they are lying, several IT guys in my department at work have reported the same issues, and the same resolution. Hope this helps someone!
we used to have the same problems with MediaCom here in Iowa. Since then I have just been forwarding all my traffic at home to and Haven't had problems since. :D
I just got WOW installed this past weekend and have been having issues with the DNS. Using the openDNS fixed the issue and now everything works perfectly. I thinking of calling WOW just to stick it to the man :D.