why spend $400+ on a video card?

imzjustplayin said:
Congrats, I'm sure your substandard healthcare is something you guys are so ever proud of.. And don't think that you're getting your monies worth in health care by having it govt. subsidized as we all know when the governement gets involved it costs 10X as much and is 2X as bad.

This isnt going to get into an ugly north vs. south thing is it? Because it can..
people buy them because they can. How many direct 10 games are out? and how many people have a quad core when there isnt even a game out that takes advatage of dual core yet except maybe for quake.
pillagenburn said:
I dunno about you guys, but I dunno why I was even thinking of spending $400 on a new GPU..... it's just not worth it to me, and I even consider myself a gamer! That's why I'm limiting my video card spending to $200-250 TOPS.

Just think about all of the things you could buy for $400... or with the extra $150-200 if you set a budget.

-new power supply
-more RAM
-bigger hard drive
-sink more money into your monitor
-faster CPU (Core 2 e6400 is only about $200 !!)
-better motherboard
-penis enlarger
-a bear
-bear traps

The possibilities are endless.... remember how much high-end gpu's used to cost back in the day? GeForce 2 and 3.. no more than $300 ... now we're pushing $600+ !!! Smells like price fixing... I seriously doubt the technological advances really warrant the $300 premium over older cards. Nevermind the hit on depreciation that you take once you BUY the card! I mean hell, you buy a Chevy at a reduced price partly because of the hit on depreciation you take once you sign the paperwork and turn the key!

just my $0.02

Why?,because I like having a fast setup for games.And second,because I can afford it. :D
What a great thread pillagenburn...Its kind of asking why did you climb that mountain? Well, because it was there.

I wish I had the $$$ for 2 8800GTXs in SLI....
markkleb said:
What a great thread pillagenburn...Its kind of asking why did you climb that mountain? Well, because it was there.

I wish I had the $$$ for 2 8800GTXs in SLI....

Would that be $$$$ instead of $$$. :)

I personally dont buy top of the line stuff, because I would feel kinda dumb after they have gone down 1/2 price and still able to play the same games. Like people said, people have $$$$ to burn and they do.
UT2K7 will be the same game with a 7600GT or an 8800GTX setup.

Spending over $400 is just for showing off your e-penis.
Hurin said:
I find the motivation for threads like this fascinating. When others are willing to pay a higher price for more performance, it seems to create this need among those who can't/won't afford it to point out how they can't/won't afford it. But, in so doing, I think they're working through their own sense of outrage that there is something out there that they really want.

I find this comment fascinating. People who do spend all that money on expensive kit (and I tend to be one of them) often have a need to assume that only possible reason other people might comment in negative light are jealous.

There's plenty of legitmate reasons to not spend that kind of money even if you have it, some others could potentially spend the money if they so wished and are merely curious about why others do it, maybe they're considering it and looking for some kind of justification.

Your post just seems a little like someone has rubbed you up the wrong way, or that you're somehow looking to justify your purchas. But what do I know.
Volucris said:
UT2K7 will be the same game with a 7600GT or an 8800GTX setup.

Spending over $400 is just for showing off your e-penis.

How can you tell if it's not even out yet?

I had a 7600GS setup and a 8800GTS setup..

you cannot tell me any game is the same with both of these setups. If I wanted to play my game at 640x480 then maybe, but I enjoy playing games at the native resolution of 1680x1050 thanks.
All of my video card purchases :D

7800gtx = $524 (11/05)
7900gtx = $570 (I think)
7950gx2 = $100 (step-up, via eVGA ;) )

R600 = Who knows? :D
Volucris said:
UT2K7 will be the same game with a 7600GT or an 8800GTX setup.

Spending over $400 is just for showing off your e-penis.

Hes right though, it will be the same game. It will just look 10x better on a 8800.
Volucris said:
UT2K7 will be the same game with a 7600GT or an 8800GTX setup.

Spending over $400 is just for showing off your e-penis.

Well no, run it on a 7600GT and it will look similar to UT2K4. People buy these games for the graphics, not a few new weapon changes.
Hmm.....It is relative to what you are upgrading from, the new 8800 chipset is leaps and bounds beyond any of the 7xxx series, now people who owned for example a 7800gt or gtx and immediately went out and replaced it with any of the 79xx series need to get their heads checked, that upgrade only gave minimal improvements at best....kind of like imo the idoits who can't wait to install Vista on their rigs,when you consider it took until now for Microsoft to iron out most of the problems with XP to the point it is a decent os, it will probably take them a good year just to get drivers for printers and drives etc......I'm in no hurry here:), how many of you use XP 64bit, haha bleeding edge! need i say more?
Btw I'm kind of with you OP, I also consider myself a gamer, but I have to keep things in perspective so every 3 years I hand pick components and build a new rig from scratch, the best I can afford at the time and then sit on it for another 3 years until it is time to upgrade again, I have a happy wife cause she always gets my old rigs which are in most cases far better then what is out in the current retial market at the time I replace my system.
Tabasco69 said:
Hmm.....It is relative to what you are upgrading from, the new 8800 chipset is leaps and bounds beyond any of the 7xxx series, now people who owned for example a 7800gt or gtx and immediately went out and replaced it with any of the 79xx series need to get their heads checked, that upgrade only gave minimal improvements at best....kind of like imo the idoits who can't wait to install Vista on their rigs,when you consider it took until now for Microsoft to iron out most of the problems with XP to the point it is a decent os, it will probably take them a good year just to get drivers for printers and drives etc......I'm in no hurry here:), how many of you use XP 64bit, haha bleeding edge! need i say more?
Btw I'm kind of with you OP, I also consider myself a gamer, but I have to keep things in perspective so every 3 years I hand pick components and build a new rig from scratch, the best I can afford at the time and then sit on it for another 3 years until it is time to upgrade again, I have a happy wife cause she always gets my old rigs which are in most cases far better then what is out in the current retial market at the time I replace my system.
Meh, In my opinion XP went down hill after they added in SP2. While a lot of people have SP2 and just 'live with it', I just refuse to install SP2 because it is such a hassle for me. I have SP1 on both of my rigs and I suffer from fewer viruses and problems than my family's machines that came with SP2 installed. SP2 despite how 'old' it is now, it just creates way too many new problems, my machine runs smooth with SP1 and I don't want to change a thing about it. Some say I'm a security hazard but I disagree since I have family members with the 'latest' updates that include SP2 and have viruses and malware on there.

You're a lot better off with good browsing habits, using a decent web browser, and an antivirus for those one or two obscure files you have to download but are unsure if they're clean or not.

Back to video cards, well I dunno I'm still unsure of what makes more sense in terms of money spent. Buy a $200 card more frequently or buy a $400 video card less frequently.
imzjustplayin said:
Congrats, I'm sure your substandard healthcare is something you guys are so ever proud of.. And don't think that you're getting your monies worth in health care by having it govt. subsidized as we all know when the governement gets involved it costs 10X as much and is 2X as bad.

Gtfo cockfag.
Easy. It is because they can. They have the money. It's not the best bang/buck, but it is the best period.
The e-pen15 naysayers are jealous.
Volucris said:
UT2K7 will be the same game with a 7600GT or an 8800GTX setup.

Spending over $400 is just for showing off your e-penis.

Yep, they will be the same game whether on a 7600GT or 8800GTX.

They will be the same music whether you listen to it on POS speakers vs high end speakers

They will be the same movie whether you watch it on a POS TV vs HDTV ... or VHS vs HD-DVD...

Its the same road whether you drive it with a Ferrari vs a pinto..

God forbid you wanna buy something to make the experience better :rolleyes:
Spoudazo said:
All of my video card purchases

7800gtx = $524 (11/05)
7900gtx = $570 (I think)
7950gx2 = $100 (step-up, via eVGA )

R600 = Who knows? :D

My video card purchases :D
compaq presario crap intel integrated agp -2001 no agp ARRGHH!
aiw radeon (32meg) pci = $125?? pre 2004? lol
7500 aiw radeon = $85 May 2004
9800 pro aiw radeon = $217 3/22/2005
x800xt aiw agp = $275 10/24/05
x1950pro s. u. pci-e = $232 12/26/06 (would have been $216 but stupid egg' not in stock, tough choice between this and aiw x1900, will go for a 650 tuner ;) )

R600 = Who knows? :D
CyberDeus-RagDoll said:
The worst part is.. I've spent MUCH much more than $400 for a video card before.

Think.. QuadroFX4500


at least u didn't buy this lol ;)




cause if u spend 400+ on a video card you'll end up with one of the above?
matrix563 said:
at least u didn't buy this lol ;)




cause if u spend 400+ on a video card you'll end up with one of the above?

I've actually seen one of those Voodoo 5 6000 cards in person. Damn thing is massive.
factory81 said:
If you can afford it why the fuck would you sleep on shitty ass 28 thread count bed sheets, sit in some gump ass Ford Contour, while playing music on a stock system with speakers made of cardboard, while wearing a burger king watch, while still playing Super Nintendo at home because you are still getting your moneys worth.
My mom drives a Contour but makes $110,00 a year. Why?

Because cars are horrible investments.

She doesn't care.

It gets her from A to B and that's all she cares about.
I personally waited years before upgrading from a P4 AGP bus system with a 6800 Ultra.
Great computer. I am on it right now. It plays many games great. It plays FEAR pretty damn good. BUT

Because of the drastic changes happening in software , OS and hardware we are being literally forced to cough up the big cash to play the really graphical intense games. We will all want to use Direct X 10 which will only be supported by Vista. Most all gamers are going to want to run Vista Ultimate which costs 400 dollars just for the OS.

So the video card realistically is only a small part of the enitire cost factor in staying in the game with what is going to happen I guess in the beginning of Febuary. The first of the Direct X 10 games are coming out. "Crysis" I mean you just have to want to play that. Warhammer Online looks incredible. The list seems to go on and on and It just wont be able to be done with out at LEAST one 8800 GTX.
matrix563 said:
at least u didn't buy this lol ;)
*Pictures removed*
cause if u spend 400+ on a video card you'll end up with one of the above?

Wish I had one, those things are awesome and a piece of gaming history.
Why did I spend $500 on a graphics card? Because I can :p When you have a good paying job and you're single,what do you do with all that money? Spend it!
ChilledEuphoria said:
Why did I spend $500 on a graphics card? Because I can :p When you have a good paying job and you're single,what do you do with all that money? Spend it!
ChilledEuphoria said:
Why did I spend $500 on a graphics card? Because I can :p When you have a good paying job and you're single,what do you do with all that money? Spend it!

Hookers? You're single...
Meh, I spent $430 on my 6800GT when it was launched. Sometimes I regret it, but then I think that I am still using the thing and it is still doing pretty damn well, considering. I dont even feel the need to upgrade it yet. Dont think Ill be upgrading it until this time next year, in fact.

I bought a BFG 6800gt as soon as it was available at the egg (3 1\2 yrs ago?) for $499.
I thought that was wayyyy too much at the time, but I really wanted it....
I also bought a Danger Den waterblock for it as soon as that was available, it cost me at least $125 without shipping....
I still use this video card in my 2nd machine and it works flawlessly at ultra speeds (it has less than 1 hr at stock speeds), this is the most I have ever spent on a video card but I feel as though I got my moneys worth.
It was a huge upgrade from the 9700pro I was running.
I have been itching to build a new conroe system but I just can't justify it for myself yet...
My opty 165 @ 2.5, 2 gigs ram, and 7800gt plays BF2 great and that is the only game I play at the moment.
I am not rich nor am I poor, I am an established adult that for me, college is a fond memory....
My next computer part purchase will be a high end vid card, for me that is my best upgrade at the moment since my 7800gt is the weakest link in my still fast system.
I like to spread out my upgrades as much as possible, soften the economic blow so to speak.
This enables me to buy quality high end stuff that lasts a long time, without feeling like I have been robbed...
When I do finally do a cpu upgrade it will be an e6600, Asus motherboard, 4 gigs o' ram, and a quality psu, roughly $1,100.
It makes sense to me to spend $500 - $600 now so my next upgrade won't cost me $1600 - 1,700 all at once.
I see no sense in carrying my 7800gt over to a new c2d system, the addition of an 8800 gtx will make my current system able to play any game out now or in the near future very well.
So for me, from a price\performance standpoint an expensive vid card is my only true upgrade, without an entire platform upgrade.
Basically it is cheaper for me to buy an expensive graphics card to get what I want out of my box...

Pretty simple actually. :rolleyes:
I think he likes ChilledEuphoria's statement, and claims it to be (at least in his mind) the winner. I got it.