Why SHOULDN'T I buy this BenQ display?


Jan 19, 2004
Give me some reasons why I shouldn't buy this LCD!
The BenQ FP767-V2. It's at NewEgg for $390 (+ $17 shipping).

- 17", 1280x1024
- 16ms response
- 300cd/m brightness
- 500:1 contrast ratio
- 15-pin D-sub connector

CompUSA has the white version for $450, and I couldn't see any problems with the display there.

The black/silver frame + blue LED would match my Sonata case pretty well, and the specs look pretty good... so are there any reasons NOT to get it? Are there some better deals on other displays/poor experiences with BenQ/etc...

I just want some recommendations, since I'm kinda impulsive :) I saw it and thought, "oooh blue LED... purty... MUST BUY NOW!"
LCDs are a waste of money still. Wait until they go down in price. For now just buy a nice 19" CRT (IE: Viewsonic p95f+).
The only gripe I have about that particular monitor is that it does not have a DVI connection, and I feel that you would notice the difference with that. I bought a Hitachi CML174 with similar features...check monitors direct . I bought mine there, and there are some nice comparison features.
Go for it if that's your price limit. BenQ has the LG Phillips panels. However, if you can save up a little more and can wait, get one with dvi input.
That LCD has very nice specs for it's price and size. You got me thinking hard about getting one myself.
I just bought that display for a box I built for my mom. It's actually very nice. I've never used a LCD with DVI though, so I dont know what I'm missing.
Originally posted by DyslexicMonkey
The only gripe I have about that particular monitor is that it does not have a DVI connection, and I feel that you would notice the difference with that.

This LCD uses the VGA connector? I was under the impression that all LCDs used DVI. Wouldn't it be a pain to build a digital -> analog converter into the display? Seems pointless, but if it uses VGA, there must be something I'm missing.
I would get something with a DVI. There is a difference.
Originally posted by Mojo
LCDs are a waste of money still.

waste of money ehhh?

lets see.

LCDs =

1. great space saving design

2. absolutely fabulous picture display with ZERO eye strain

3. very low heat output like traditional (space heater) CRTs

4. stylish looks on some LCDs like the 2001FP

5. the ability to tilt and raise the screen to one's likes (ie - 2001FP)

-yea, I can see how LCDs are still a waste of money... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ozziegn
1. great space saving design

2. absolutely fabulous picture display with ZERO eye strain

3. very low heat output like traditional (space heater) CRTs

4. stylish looks on some LCDs like the 2001FP

5. the ability to tilt and raise the screen to one's likes (ie - 2001FP)

-yea, I can see how LCDs are still a waste of money... :rolleyes:
1. I have all the space I need. A few square feet isn't too much to sacrifice IMO.

2. CRT image quality is just as good or better. Color precision is much better. Anything above 85hz doesn't bother me, or anyone I have ever spoken to about the subject.

3. What difference does that make? I don't care if the area above my monitor is hot or not. It doesn't effect longevity. My IBM PS1 13" CRT monitor is 13 years old and still serving good use to my grandmother.

4. Again, I don't care how my computer looks as much to spend hundreds more dollars on an LCD. Some CRTs look cool too.

5. CRT monitors can tilt as well. If you want it to be higher or lower then build a shelf for it. It won't cost as much as the extra money used on an LCD.

Good 19" CRT - Around $300 Canadian
Good 17" LCD - Around $600+ Canadian

Maybe it's just the fact I am more price vs performance oriented than the rest of you people around here. Meh, I can live with that :).
Originally posted by Mojo

3. What difference does that make? I don't care if the area above my monitor is hot or not. It doesn't effect longevity.

it makes a big difference when you live in a hell hole like Florida. a typical 95F to 100F summer day is an everyday thing here which means everyone's A/C system is doing all it can just to keep up with the heat.

so not having a big 'ol honkin' 21" CRT on my desk means there's all that much less heat being introduced to my computer room which already runs hotter than the rest of the house (no thanks to the 32" TV and other things running in the background :D ).

oh, and heat does affect longevity?

uhhh, better think again. the hotter something runs, the less it will last. its just common sense.

but whatever. the whole CRT vs. LCDs arguement is something that will never be won by any individual so you take what you can get and as long as you're happy then more power to ya.
You forgot to mention less radiation and less power consumption from LCDs.

The problem with the LCD haters is most have not used one personally. Most of us that have LCDs had been using CRTs our whole lives, and will NEVER go back to them. Most people just look at the paper specs and the pricetag, and then decide an LCD is not right for them. Until you use a quality LCD in your home for a few weeks, you won't know what you're missing.

Btw above 85hz has little to do with it. No matter how fast your refresh rates are, you can still get eye strain while looking at CRTs for an extended period of time. How high the refresh rate is only increases your tolerance of a CRT display.
Originally posted by ozziegn
it makes a big difference when you live in a hell hole like Florida.

oh, and heat does affect longevity?
uhhh, better think again. the hotter something runs, the less it will last. its just common sense.

but whatever. the whole CRT vs. LCDs arguement is something that will never be won by any individual so you take what you can get and as long as you're happy then more power to ya.
-I live in Canada. We might have 95-100 degree weather for a week or two out of the whole year. So heat really isn't an issue up here :).

-True. But in reality, if my CRT lasts me even HALF as long as an LCD, I will be able to buy yet another CRT and STILL save money over the cost of an LCD.


Originally posted by agentzero9
The problem with the LCD haters is most have not used one personally.

Most people just look at the paper specs and the pricetag, and then decide an LCD is not right for them.

Btw above 85hz has little to do with it. No matter how fast your refresh rates are, you can still get eye strain while looking at CRTs for an extended period of time. How high the refresh rate is only increases your tolerance of a CRT display.
-I don't hate LCDs. I just think they're too expensive for what they are.

-Price is very high on my list of requirements when I'm looking for components. Maybe that's because my pockets aren't as deep as most people's, or maybe I just go more for price/performance.

-I understand what you're getting at, yeah it does make sense. But I have been using CRTs for years and have never got eye strain. Maybe tired from being on the computer too much, but never eye strain. I suppose it's just a personal thing, varying from person to person. But yeah, I've never got eye strain so it doesn't bother me.
I live in Northern Ontario and twice now I've had my 22" Viewsonic CRT blow up in the heat (literally). It is now being replaced with two 17" LCDs
Originally posted by PS-RagE
I live in Northern Ontario and twice now I've had my 22" Viewsonic CRT blow up in the heat (literally). It is now being replaced with two 17" LCDs
Ghosting is a problem with LCD's, from strickly a gaming standpoint CRT's are better. Plus there is always the issue of burnt out pixels with LCD's. Plus, I actually like the heat generated by my 19" CRT... It keeps me warm in the winter when the mercury hits -30C.

If heat and space is a factor then go for LCD, but otherwise I would be hard pressed to spend $600 more for something that is almost as good.
Got my first LCD 3 years ago, was in a compusa at the right time and got a cheap one...17" envision that was on sale. With a VGA only input it isn't what I would have called great, but very nice for a second system. My main monitor was my Viewsonic 21".

First thing that was obvious was text was MUCH better on the LCD, at my age being able to read small text is important;) Games? Welp, no supprise there the LCD ghosted a bit, but not unbearable. My Second CRT died, bought a Samsung 172n to try, kept it, still have it and although it was VGA only it had a better picture then the Envision, but cost $100 more. Again, very viewable. As my 21" Viewsonic started to go (6 years old) I started shopping for another monitor, tested about 6 with DVI inputs on my ATI Cards. Chose an Envision 9110 and have never looked back. No ghosting on any games. Problem is, now the wife wants one.

Any how, not to be a fanboy, but LCD with DVI on a good Vid card works. My color work in Photoshop is better then ever as well.

If your gonna game? DVI is a must. Don't forget a card that can drive the resoultion you want;)

Originally posted by BillR
Got my first LCD 3 years ago, was in a compusa at the right time and got a cheap one...17" envision that was on sale. With a VGA only input it isn't what I would have called great, but very nice for a second system. My main monitor was my Viewsonic 21".

First thing that was obvious was text was MUCH better on the LCD, at my age being able to read small text is important;) Games? Welp, no supprise there the LCD ghosted a bit, but not unbearable. My Second CRT died, bought a Samsung 172n to try, kept it, still have it and although it was VGA only it had a better picture then the Envision, but cost $100 more. Again, very viewable. As my 21" Viewsonic started to go (6 years old) I started shopping for another monitor, tested about 6 with DVI inputs on my ATI Cards. Chose an Envision 9110 and have never looked back. No ghosting on any games. Problem is, now the wife wants one.

Any how, not to be a fanboy, but LCD with DVI on a good Vid card works. My color work in Photoshop is better then ever as well.

If your gonna game? DVI is a must. Don't forget a card that can drive the resoultion you want;)

i am on the same boat as you, i have now 2 lcd's that replaced dead crt, i still remeber when i got my first lcd Envision 9110 and i compared it with the crt side by side, it was a no constest, the lcd just looks so much better, so when the second crt died, i bought another lcd a sceptre, a game a lot, i see no ghosting.

one have to see an lcd side by side to a crt to truly appreciate it. imho
Ive tried that Dell FP1800 or whatever its called that everyone raves about. I couldnt stand it. Looked horrible compared to an old 19" Dell CRT. The CRT was arms and legs ABOVE the LCD.

So I guess you can say im a CRT lover who dislikes LCDs because I never owned one even though I saw it in person. When LCDs get cheaper and I do see the need I will get one. For now, my "space heater" CRT will be heating my room even though it barely does anything in the way of heatoutput that I can tell :rolleyes:
I have been looking at LCD's for a few months now while I save up to buy one. The one I am probably end up with is a 17" Viewsonic which is on newegg right now for $549 + $15 S&H. I would vote no on the LCD that you are thinking about for the simple reason........NO DVI!!!! What is the point of having an LCD with no DVI????? I don't get it :rolleyes: Please do not interpret this as a flame against you because it is not.....it is just me trying to figure out why any company would make an LCD without DVI except to save $$$$ on production costs.
hey bhayes82, i wouldn't get that one because it has a 16ms reponse time. i would get the 12ms one (same company benQ) + one with dvi input.
Response time is an interesting number. Keep in mind almost all those low numbers you read are for BLACK AND WHITE, not even greyscale.

Also, like any spec, those numbers are taken by the factory selling you the unit, so you can't compare specs from one company to another. Numbers in vid are about as useless as they are in audio.....don't buy before you see it, or make sure it's returnable.

