why is my 4870x2 only folding at 50% of ONE gpu....


Jul 9, 2004
I'm using 4870x2 with 8.12 driver under Vista X64, I'm using the new ATI 1.22 core, and according to GPUZ, while folding with the GPU2 client, my gpu load is max 54%, it never goes any higher. Under windows desktop 1st gpu usage is 0%, then when i start folding, it tops out at 54%, my 2nd gpu is always at 0%, which is to be expected because I know both GPU folding at the same time doesn't work under vista just yet.

I have a Q6600 @ 3.3ghz, gpu folding uses about 25% of it, so it's not GPU bound, anyone have any idea why that is?
what ppd are you getting. If around 2000 then there is definitely something wrong. If it is 4000+ then something is just being reported wrongly.