why dont they make aol for linux?

You could always ask AOL. I'd be willing to bet it's a market share vs. profit reason.

As an old school Mac user (and Quantum Link before AOL), the Mac version of AOL always seemed half-hearted, in comparison to the Windows version. I'd be willing to bet the Linux version would be just as bad if not worse.
Same reason they don't allow spamming to 50 to use FS/FT forum here.

Because you'll be smacked for doing so.
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Because anyone who is smart enough to even know Linux exists is smart enough to not use AOL.

Probably because AOL is comparitavely on figurative life support vs the giant that they used to be due to the broadband boom over the past, oh, 15+ years.

You can pretty much access all the basic necessities like your inbox from AOL's website, anyway.
Was there a specific feature or function with the stand-alone AOL software that you need to have on a Linux system?