Why doesn't my 2,300$ computer get good "uptimes"?

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Limp Gawd
Jan 20, 2007
I've heard stories where linux computers can have uptimes of like 1 month without lag or crashing down.

Why can't I keep my computer on for 3 weeks straight without slowing down? I have a Q6600 overclocked to 3.0 Ghz and 2 GB of ram.

For some reason, when I'm on the 2nd week uptime, my computer starts to become low on virtual memoy; when I open up folders, things would be "blank" unless I close an application down.

The funny thing is, I look into my processor and it only says I'm using about 1 GB of ram out of the 2GB, so why am I low on virtual memory? Is there a short somewhere in my computer case or what?

Or is it just because I'm running "windows".?

Please help me.
Might have something to do with the pirated/stolen software you're using, based on the picture you showed in the other thread asking about why Everest turns up as a virus - because it's infected warez, that's why.
Windows vista/Xp is not designed for this purpose, its a desktop os not a unix server.
That's a bummer. I paid 15$ for Everest Ultimate Edtion from someone on the other forums.

I thought I was getting a good deal saving half off from the original price.
Is it considered "Pirating" if I pay from an unofficial seller for a software?

Anyways, I don't even run that thing anymore so I don't know why my computer still can't keep up with uptimes.
Might have something to do with the pirated/stolen software you're using, based on the picture you showed in the other thread asking about why Everest turns up as a virus - because it's infected warez, that's why.

BOLD statement, care to back that up with some proof
pff 1month... minor

I have 150days on work machine untill some moron logged in locally and well.. shut it down (have disabled users from shutting down now :D) Home server was up for 6months before moved house

Web servers stay up for years at a time on some occasions.
pff 1month... minor

I have 150days on work machine untill some moron logged in locally and well.. shut it down (have disabled users from shutting down now :D) Home server was up for 6months before moved house

And you are using Microsoft windows OS?
I've heard stories where linux computers can have uptimes of like 1 month without lag or crashing down.

pff 1month... minor

I have 150days on work machine untill some moron logged in locally and well.. shut it down (have disabled users from shutting down now :D) Home server was up for 6months before moved house
Just noticed its the os forum. I see what people are on about with the flaming.
A month?

My Windows XP machines get a month of uptime.

~$ uptime
17:26:46 up 117 days, 20:47, 1 user, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00
~$ uname -a
Linux kummy 2.6.15-27-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 8 18:22:01 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
If you want to get serious about uptime, then you'll want to buy server hardware and OSes. Desktop computers can typically run for a while without downtime, but were designed with the assumption that most people won't run them 24/7.
He doesnt like paying for software as you will know by reading this thread, so the op is obviosly not going to buy windows server 2003 for $1000
Why would he buy WS 03? He's not running a server and god knows that'd be a complete waste for a gaming rig (as well as pointless).
Because he wants 100% uptime and he doesnt seem to know what unix is
cracked versions of software

then you wonder why your computer isnt stable?
I've rarely had any problems with my legitimately acquired Windows operating systems. My uptime is typically until I need to reboot from updates. I have my gaming rig which is more or less a Final Fantasy XI terminal, and it's running 24x7.
Yeah, same. I'm running Vista on my PC, no uptime problems.

Not running illegally pirated programs with worms in them would help.
So, I can't have a 4 week uptime with stability if I use Windows XP Pro SP2 OS?

I'd need a better OS?

1,000$ Software is out of the question for sure.
So, I can't have a 4 week uptime with stability if I use Windows XP Pro SP2 OS?

I'd need a better OS?

1,000$ Software is out of the question for sure.

There's no reason you couldn't as long as your other software isn't screwing it up
So, I can't have a 4 week uptime with stability if I use Windows XP Pro SP2 OS?

I'd need a better OS?

1,000$ Software is out of the question for sure.

You should be able to just fine. I do it.
So, I can't have a 4 week uptime with stability if I use Windows XP Pro SP2 OS?
Are you reading the thread at all? Do you understand english?


If *your* XP SP2 can't do this, you have some problem.
My HTPC will stay on until I run updates for it (every 4-6 weeks) with no problems whatsoever. Windows XP SP2. Granted, not a whole lot else running besides the software needed for HTPC stuff (Sage), but I've never really had an issue (though I did have a memory leak in the GUI for my network card that was causing a lot of problems).
With Windows, it's all about what software you're using.

My workhorse work PC (XP) can only stand about two weeks of uptime before I've gotta reboot. I run an average of 30-40 open windows at any given time - from MMC snap-ins for AD to SAN performance analyzers to Outlook/Office to IE to NetIQ to whatever. Some of these SUCK when it comes to memory management.

This is just how it goes. Some software is written better than others. Including operating systems. I run a shop with 180+ producton Windows servers. After Microsoft's monthly updates, we reboot all servers. Some months Microsoft will release no updates. We will still reboot all of the servers because EVERY time we skip a month, we can count on with certainty, we will experince some oddities and downtime because they didn't get rebooted. And again, it all comes down to what software is running on those servers. Our domain controllers could probably stay up for years, but a lot of our app servers need the reboots.

Unix/Linux is apples and oranges to Windows. That's why network appliances / Cable/SAT DVRs all run UNIX - because of the long uptime and native code stability. Another reason all of my VMware ESX servers run with a light Linux kernel. UPTIME.
my intel book PC runs NT server 4 as a PDC and it ran for just about 1 year before I had to take it down when I moved. It has since been retired but all of my other PCs run for days at a time with no issues (i turn them off when I leave for work)
i've had my pc running vista up for over 30 days before with no slowdowns. i usually only restart for windows updates or software installs/uninstalls.
Unix/Linux is apples and oranges to Windows. That's why network appliances / Cable/SAT DVRs all run UNIX - because of the long uptime and native code stability. Another reason all of my VMware ESX servers run with a light Linux kernel. UPTIME.
They don't all run UNIX. Many run Linux and many more run proprietary OSes.

The ones that do run Linux (or similar) usually do so because it's easy to port, customize, and distribute Linux code without licensing or development difficulties.
i've had my pc running vista up for over 30 days before with no slowdowns. i usually only restart for windows updates or software installs/uninstalls.

QFT! I am also running my Vista 64 Gaming/F@H rig 24/7 and I only reboot after OS updates or software/driver installs.
I have a feeling that he pirated windows also. Had a friend that pirated xp pro, it was always giving him problems.
Just to remind everyone, there is NO DISCUSSION of piracy, period.

OP, if you are using pirated software, chances are that's your problem.

Let's just leave it at that.
Yeah. I was a noob for paying for the "pirated program"
Blah. It was fishy that it came with the "keygen". Whatever.

After reading these posts, I think it's all about software and operating system.

I'm just going to reboot everyweek to maintain high speed performance then.

What kind of sucks is I built this $2,300 gaming rig hoping it will never lag on me or become "low on virtual memory".

God damnit.
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