Why does this look like crap.....


Jul 9, 2003
Why is it that the site that I am working on looks messed up in IE but it looks perfectly fine in Firefox? What seems to be getting messed up is the custom table borders. How I made them was by surrounding the main cell with 4 other cells. The top and bottom cells are images and the side cells have a 1x5px background image giving it the effect of fancy borders. You can see what I am trying to make it look like if you view it with firefox.

Anyway, here is the link:

Thanks For Any Input
Ok, thanks for the advise. Could anyone direct me to a decent online tutorials on CSS Positioning then>
I so totally cannot read your logo. Black on midnight blue is not a good color scheme for readability. You may want to either lighten the backround for the logo, or make it a light color. Just thought I'd add my $0.02
when you mouse over members it doesn't change the little dot yellow

and you spelled the wrong

sorry i dont have any other info, but the little details are important and those are easy fixes