Why did you stop playing bf2?

it was way to buggy for me as well. i can play bot maps fine with everything set on high, but as soon as i go to be online...no 4 fps.... and even with things set on medium it was still unplayable, and i have a damn cable connection.

I prefer Steam, and 1942 with Desert Combat!
I stopped playing to go to the bathroom. Once all the urine was out of my system I found I could play again! Now... back to more BF2. :D
1) Used to play it in CAL - it was terrible LOL
2) After special forces, i've lost faith in the game
3) Still had obivously broken things that werent addressed since its release last june
4) Got stale after awhile
5) Booster Packs? Now wtf is that?

I only play with friends, if at all only then.
it started to get repetative

dominate on certain maps by doing the same thing over and over, get owned on certain maps because other people know what to do

I never did learn to fly and never had much fun in the tanks so that might have been part of my problem. I explored most every player except Spec Ops which I'll admit was fun sometimes.
I dont forsee myself not playing BF 2 anytime soon. I think it is a great game.

But hey everybody has an opinion.
I didn't want to support their buggy game. The game was fun but I played the heck out of the demo and it was boring to be the only one knowing what to do. No team coordination. Those two are the main things.
I stopped cause the people I played with moved on to different games. Always happens. We play something for a couple of months and then move on to the next thing.
Only maps I liked = Karkland and Oman. Vehical whores, TK's, and mostly the shitty server browser were the reasons why I stoped playing before the 1.03 patch and went back to CS:S.
i stopped because i never got started with the game freezing on multiplayer because of punk buster so i gave up and returned it.
I've only had it two weeks, and I'm already calling it finished with the non city maps. The armor whoring, copter whoring, and jet whoring are just way too fucking much. Those maps are just not fun at all to me. I'd have fun if it didn't take 5-6 rockets to blow up a tank, or if they started giving more credit for blowing up vehicles.
-Not realistic
-Terrible Weapon Accuracy System
-I hate the server format
-When it didnt read my CD Key after the latest patch and I tried to fix it by installing the game and the patches.....twice......I uninstalled it and threw it deep into the bottom of my desk drawer.

There are many other games that hold my interest in terms of providing genuine fun.
I have been playing since release, but the maps are gettings stale...


deathBOB said:
I have been playing since release, but the maps are gettings stale...


forgotten hope 2 is the main reason I still keep bf2 around.
Khaydarin said:
-Not realistic
-Terrible Weapon Accuracy System
-I hate the server format
-When it didnt read my CD Key after the latest patch and I tried to fix it by installing the game and the patches.....twice......I uninstalled it and threw it deep into the bottom of my desk drawer.

There are many other games that hold my interest in terms of providing genuine fun.

Well umm you could hook me up. I've played the demo and I definately dont want to pay over $20 for it I would still rather play desert combat even though its laggy as hell on any computer I put it on. All I would needs is a few digits ;) ;) Or would I not be able to use your copy because the key is registered to your gamespyid? PM if interested.
S0m30n3 said:
Well umm you could hook me up. I've played the demo and I definately dont want to pay over $20 for it I would still rather play desert combat even though its laggy as hell on any computer I put it on. All I would needs is a few digits ;) ;) Or would I not be able to use your copy because the key is registered to your gamespyid? PM if interested.

Sry - its my brother's game and he loves it. :rolleyes: :p
I don't play it since it is not working on my systems anymore and EA hasn't gotten back to me about yet.
what are the odds of both my computers getting the same error after the 1.21 patches. it's not like they are identical and I own 3 copies of the game to use for installs.

I've been playing a lot of CS:Source since it never had any issues. I find it funny that the game I paid $90 for (this is the cost of one setup, BF2, SF, and EF) doesn't work, while the one I got for free works like a champ for the past 2 years.
I've fucking had it with this game. It crashed to the desktop yet again after waiting 5 minutes for it to load the map. At the start of every map you see about 5 people lose connection to the server. Every time without fail. What a load of shit. Fuck you, EA.
i just bought the game a few days ago, im absolutely in love with it. when you find games where there are people of about your skill level its just so much fun. only complaint is that i have a very high end computer and t3 and load times are quite high. how do people with mediocre computers live with this game?
I think they turn down the settings ALOT.

Or just break out the grape juice and gold fish while they wait.

I used to love the game, too.....but then the apeal dwindled quick.
I'm still playing. Couple hours here and there. It's a good game IMO.
-Engine is wonkier than BF1942
-Teamkills galore, accidental mostly
-Idiots online ruining potentially "good" gameplay
-Server browser laggier than hell
-Had to fight with the menus to bind certain keys (tab, certain numpad keys, etc)
-Unbalanced gameplay to the max
-Horrible weapon accuracy?

Thats all I can think of for now. I bought the game for a LAN party, played it once during that LAN, and thats it. Thats how fast I got sick of it. I've had enough of the whole war simulation thing. I thought all the WW2 games were bad, but now it seems "modern combat" will be getting the same treatment.
1.Too buggy for me.
2.Just to buggy.
3.Engine is to buggy :D
4.To much of a system hog.
5.Game freezes on the server tab for about 1min (will the latest patch).
6.Other games to play, Call of Duty 2, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Counter Strike Souce that are not buggy to death.

I could go on and on, and yes they are stupid bringing out a new game without even fixing this game first, the game is awesome to play but the bugs just give me the sh*ts.
I still play like once a month, and it's always really fun. The main reason really when i think about it is that every time i'm about to play, i just don't feel like sitting through the longer than other games loading times, and the terrible half life 1 era menu system. If i fell like playing an FPS I usually play DoD s or CS s just because it's easy to open steam, and jump into a game without having to go through the BS that is the BF2 menus. I really wish more games would go with a steam like interface for their game, or just go through steam.
I play sometimes.

Stopped mostly because:
I got killed by my team more than the other.
I just replayed it just then

BF2 runs like crap on my system now


BF2:SF works kind of better (still buggy but playable).

and does anyone know why I keep getting this?

it does it for both.

(Please note I dont do any pirating what so ever, I own both BF2 and BF2:SF, if you are thinking that it may be what causing it, ITS NOT)
the gamer said:
I just replayed it just then

BF2 runs like crap on my system now


BF2:SF works kind of better (still buggy but playable).

and does anyone know why I keep getting this?

it does it for both.

(Please note I dont do any pirating what so ever, I own both BF2 and BF2:SF, if you are thinking that it may be what causing it, ITS NOT)

Go to www.evenbalance.com and manually update your PunkBuster. Just follow the directions on the web page, it's easy. That should do it.
I Got sick of it after a while

pretty much what people have said in the past
bad browser, gameplay etc

and even after that patch they runined what fun i had which was playing in helicopters
since i got a new rig i havent installed it and never plan to.

and the engine is terrible after nearly 9 months its pretty similar to when i got it.
-i do see why people jump on the 'i hate ea' bandwagon after this time...
I actually forgot about the whole booster pack thing as well. While we have companies like Epic and Valve pumping out new content for their games FOR FREE, we have EA trying to get another 10 dollars out of their customers.

Fuck that.
xerus` said:
I actually forgot about the whole booster pack thing as well. While we have companies like Epic and Valve pumping out new content for their games FOR FREE, we have EA trying to get another 10 dollars out of their customers.

Fuck that.

i totally agree with you , the whole booster pack is another reason why i stopped playing bf2...

i do not wish to pay for ''patches'' , sorry but 3 maps and a new army is not enough.

I don't know why it takes so damn long to load a map in that game...I mean an Everquest II map with hundreds of distinct people and better scenery loads faster that that thing. I don't get it.
Keep in mind I haven't bought any expansions but:

Load times
Lack of Infantry centered maps
Lack of real widescreen support

Why put up with those and give them more money for expansions when there are some great games like CoD2, Steam (DoD:S, CS:S, HL2, RO, etc..), and Fear that don't have these problems? (well I admit CoD2 needs some anti cheat love but I hear thats inc) :p
I got sick of retarded crap like attack helicopters surviving direct hits from a tank and the rampant abuse of the instaprone. I doubt I'll play it again until Forgotten Hope 2 is released.