Why can't ASUS send the board with a decent bios?


Limp Gawd
Dec 2, 2005
I've seen on many forums, problems persisting with a faulty bios w/ Asus new A8R-MVP mobo and it's delaying my purchase. Why can't they get it right first and then release the damn thing? It's so stupid.... and aggravating for the customer.
No, I believe that Asus has limited the vcore through the bios. Though it could be possible that the 1T @ high HTT problem or the screwed up memory dividers might be a fault with the chipset, the voltage can't be selected in the bios. It only goes up to 1.4v and the overvoltage boost is minimal if anything.
how does lack of overclocking options make a bios faulty, exactly?

boards are made to run at stock... not to be overclocked. if the board runs fine at stock, then it has acheived its purpose... and if you dont like that, then get a different board.
that could very well be the processors problem, as the memory controller is on the processor. most of the winchesters couldnt run 1T at ALL.
There are reports of this board being the culprit as people have tried the same proc/memory combination on DFI mobos at 1T. I'm just a bit frustrated that a motherboard with such potential has such glaring problems. Again for overclocking one would suggest a DFI but after undergoing 2 mobo changes with my NF2 build w/ cold boot problems, I don't want to go the DFI way. Besides, the DFIs have noisy little fans and their northbridge placement is a PITA considering you can't replace the NB heatsink without some heatsink bending or other modding. Anyway, this is basically a vent thread and thank you for having the patience to deal with me :) .