Why are plextors so good?


Mar 12, 2003
Personaly i love the drives and regard them as the best, just because i've seen them fail probably the least. Is it the build quality or what? A lite-on, teac, TDK or what ever pretty much seem the same more or less. Anyone have specific reasons why they rule so much ass though?
i think some of it is placebo... I've seen people swear black and blue drive A was better than drive B (plextor). Just happened drive A was a rebadge.

No denying they make wicked drives though.. Cant really answer that...

If someone gave ya $100 on the street would you question it? No you take it and scream like a school girl running away... :D
^^ Agree with you.. sometimes it's a placebo effect. Nowadays, Lite-On and LG are as good as Plextor, if not better,IMO.
Lite-On and LG are as good as Plextor, if not better,IMO

LG burners are pieces of shit. I had one in a new gateway machine that died in a month for no reason. Only good thing they make are some LCD's and cell phones.
Plextor made their mark making industrial strength SCSI cdroms back in the day. I think that quality has carried over into their ATAPI pursuits, as well.

Ain't nothin gonna beat an old PlexWriter SCSI. Just nuthin. Back before buffer under run protection and all that shit, when IDE writers were choking left and right, the SCSI plextors owned. And they still do. I've got a burner station set up here, Plextor SCSI burner and reader. Haven't had a bad burn since............Damn, it;s been longer than I thought.
Our SCSI Plextor 12x at the shop gets hammered each day and its still going strong. No other burner I know of has lasted that long under such use. My 708A rules
^^ Have you ever used a Lite-On dvd writer? LG? BTC? Pioneer? NEC? Sony? How on Earth can you say that your Plextor rules,then?
Oh.. can you say F-A-N-B-O-I?
Originally posted by bobcrotch
Personaly i love the drives and regard them as the best, just because i've seen them fail probably the least. Is it the build quality or what? A lite-on, teac, TDK or what ever pretty much seem the same more or less. Anyone have specific reasons why they rule so much ass though?

While I think many writers are good up front and for the near future, the key is how long they last if taken forever. I know there is no way to know this for the new DVD writers, as they are so new, but as far as the old CD writers are concerned, on the majority, Plextors' outlasted many of the competition.

As far as why they might is because, as you can see the Plextors' are more expensive to buy than a liteon or other. I think the price difference comes from quality of manufacturing and of the parts used. Now I am not saying that LiteON and others use poor quality parts. I am just saying maybe Plextor goes just a little above and beyond the normal for quality standard of the parts, like the laser, gears, etc. I have always believed in the saying, "you get what you pay for". If you are willing to shell out more money for a Plextor, you are probably going to get a little better drive. The concept pretty much can be applied everywhere, especially in computer hardware. That's just my opinion.

The 708A "rules" b/c it allows me to buy 4x media and burn it at 8x, defaults to silent operation, rips extremely quickly, does everything and well, its faceplate is quite elegant, the tray isn't a piece of garbage, they've lined the back of the faceplate to allow quiet and precise tray closure, and is reliable. There's really nothing more you can ask of a burner that's out right now (and no, 8x -R is irrelevant, +R has become the standard). If you have the cash you buy 708A, if you want to skimp you get something else.

The fact is that Plex has the best 8x burner out right now bar none. That may change when dual layer hits in a couple of months but that's neither here nor there. Appreciating the best product in a category does not make one a (sic) "F-A-N-B-O-I" it's knowing a good thing when you see it.
Pretty strong words..
Lemme see :

1)The Lite-On 811/851S and the NEC2500A AND the Pioneer 107 write to 4X DVD+R media at 8X. The Plex isn't the only drive to do that.

2)Why is -R irrelevant? Probably only for you, did you know that more -R discs are produced every year? Heck, the NEC and the Pioneer will write at 8X to many -R discs, as will the Lite-On 812. Can the 708A do that?

3)Do Plextor have a tool like K-Probe to measure burn quality, C1/C2 errors,PI/PO errors on their burnt discs?

Don't get me wrong, I think Plextor drives are fine,but there are better, more feature packed alternatives available for less money.
I can't speak for DVD Writers but Lite-On CD-RW drives suck. I've got two (52246S and 48246S), both of them make Audio CDs that can only be read in about half of the CD Players I've got. My older PlexWriter makes perfect discs everytime.
Originally posted by TechHead
Pretty strong words..
Lemme see :

1)The Lite-On 811/851S and the NEC2500A AND the Pioneer 107 write to 4X DVD+R media at 8X. The Plex isn't the only drive to do that.

2)Why is -R irrelevant? Probably only for you, did you know that more -R discs are produced every year? Heck, the NEC and the Pioneer will write at 8X to many -R discs, as will the Lite-On 812. Can the 708A do that?

3)Do Plextor have a tool like K-Probe to measure burn quality, C1/C2 errors,PI/PO errors on their burnt discs?

Don't get me wrong, I think Plextor drives are fine,but there are better, more feature packed alternatives available for less money.
Gonna have to side with TechHead here.

The 708A is a great drive. But so many of you spark up with "its the best" just because you see Plextor on the bezel. Half the people probably dont even own one nor have they researched them.

Few points...

PlexTools is garbage. So many compatibility issues its not funny.

As mentioned both the Liteon's and NEC 2500A will write to BOTH + and - media at 8X (media dependant of course)

NEC 2500A offers better burn quality then the 708A.

DVD-R media is not only more compaitble with set top players but also cheaper. How is it a mute issue?

The 708A may offer the best all in one. Problem being is many other drives rival it closely or surpass it for half the price.
I can't speak for the Plextor DVD burners, but I do have a Plextor Premium drive and that can not be beat....(required 'IMO' goes here).

For general burning and backing up data discs and my games....nothing that I have bought previous has worked as well, nothing. I and to qualify...I have used the latest from LG, Lite-On, and Sony. All returned.

I know others will have a different opinion, so don't include me in the above mentioned **tch fest. Thanks.

As for DVD burners, I have a 4x Optorite, and use nothing but Ritek(Ridata) media and it suites me just fine. I have no need to go higher than 4x for DVD burning. It is quiet and burns well, never had a failed disc. I think alot of peoples failings stem from user error.
well I cant definitively say what is best
but I can say Yamaha suxs :p

(was my first CDRW and it died 1 month past the warrantee boo hoo :p )
Originally posted by Ice Czar
well I cant definitively say what is best
but I can say Yamaha suxs :p

(was my first CDRW and it died 1 month past the warrantee boo hoo :p )
I remember about 6 months ago seeing a yamaha that could print on the CD as well. Cant remember if it was laser or actual ink.

What happen to that? I thought that woulda been a big hit.. Never heard anything bout it though..
Originally posted by SKiTLz
I remember about 6 months ago seeing a yamaha that could print on the CD as well. Cant remember if it was laser or actual ink.

What happen to that? I thought that woulda been a big hit.. Never heard anything bout it though..
i think it was a 24x or a 48x drive, best buy and staples sold them, fairly common, but they were more expension, ended up being just a sort of fad
Plextors are nothing special IMO. I've used them and they do nothing that my Sony, LiteOn and LG drives can't. (Sony being my fav cause of Best Raw Read) I had a LG 12 speed for 3 years now and still going strong
Originally posted by Ice Czar
well I cant definitively say what is best
but I can say Yamaha suxs :p

(was my first CDRW and it died 1 month past the warrantee boo hoo :p )

Hehe, yeah I think it is much easier to say which brands suck rather than which one is the best. I will add one to the list of models that suck. BTC is horrible.

As for this LiteON vs NEC vs Plextor

It really is a matter of opinion. First, I agree with someone else in here, that some people may buy a Plextor just because of the name. I don't do that, but many people will do that, and not just for dvd burners, but for EVERYTHING. When people have heard a companies name used with reliability before, they automatically assume that something new by that company must also be very reliable (which may not always be the case). However, I must repeat myself from my early post. I think maybe in the LONG TERM the Plextor may be better than the others. And like I said before, that it may be due to the slightly higher quality of parts. I have heard from enough people about how plextor uses a padded back, a nice non-flimsy loading tray, etc. This just shows you that maybe this drive may last longer. For me, since I don't have too much money to spend, if I found a good deal on LiteON's I would probably buy it, since it really is almost half the price. As for someone who had asked about whether the Plextor drive can read C1/C2 errors, I heard that it actually CAN. And last but not least, I am going to say that LiteON / NEC would win my vote for quality for the price (its an amazing value). But, if I could spend as much money as I wanted to, then my vote for best would be to Plextor. And by the way, there is a reason soo many people think that the Plextor 708A is the best. It is because all the reviews on soo many sites, when comparing the Plextor to the LiteON to the NEC, always give Plextor the "WIN". Many of these sites are well known and respected, so they would try to be objective.


LiteON / NEC = Value Winner (most bang for your buck)
Plextor = Overall Winner (best, if you can spend the money)

Originally posted by SKiTLz
that could print on the CD

Yamaha CRW-FI w\ DiscT@2 Technology

Since the CRW-F1 is not a printer (it doesn't use ink to print), the result of DiscT@2 writing varies with CD-R media dye. There are 3 types of dye used in CD-R media:

• Azo: Blue or Deep Blue. DiscT@2 images can be burned with high-contrast on Azo media.

• Cyanine: Light Blue, Light Green, or Yellow. DiscT@2 images on Cyanine dye resemble a light image or hologram.

• Phthalocyanine: Silver or Gold. DiscT@2 on this media resemble a watermark.
but its for areas that arent burned with data

and it was cool, I might have been tempted
had I not just been burned by Yamaha
I saw one somewhere( I have got to start indexing these things), that will come out soon(its a DVD Burner, but CD options with be included)that will allow you (with special media) to just flip the disc over after you burn your files and burn a 'label' into the top surface of the disc.

Though it only allows for greyscale images, I think it would be cool.
Originally posted by SuperG

LiteON / NEC = Value Winner (most bang for your buck)
Plextor = Overall Winner (best, if you can spend the money)

I've used Plextor and LiteON drives, they both work flawlessly. i've never used a LG drive but i never associated their name with any kind of quality due to all of the returns DOA products i saw when i was working in retail.

anyway, i prefer the superior audio extraction that the Plextor offers, but the LiteOn drive is just about as good. to me it really comes down to a simple question: is the benifit worth the extra money?

that being said, i generally use LiteON drives in the systems i build.

both good drives, both quality parts. it really comes down to opinion.
basically comes down plextor fans are loyal like apple fans.

back in the day nothign could touch my 8x sexy plex. when it said it couldnt be burn this drive could burn any copy protected cd back in its day.
to this day i have had no problems with any of my plextor drives and i will continue to buy plextor.

in this day an age there are alot of good drives out there but it comes down to loyalty. plextor has always done me good.
i guess i will pay extra 30 bucks to have the plextor name.
Originally posted by Ice Czar
Yamaha CRW-FI w\ DiscT@2 Technology

but its for areas that arent burned with data

and it was cool, I might have been tempted
had I not just been burned by Yamaha

But Ice,Yamaha has exited the optical storage business. Rumours persist that they will launch a DVD-writer soon.

@Skitlz: Small correction, the 811S/851S do not have 8X -R writing capability at this time. The 812S can do 8X -R writing.
Originally posted by TechHead
But Ice,Yamaha has exited the optical storage business. Rumours persist that they will launch a DVD-writer soon.

@Skitlz: Small correction, the 811S/851S do not have 8X -R writing capability at this time. The 812S can do 8X -R writing.

Yea my bad... I've been looking at so many reviews past week Im a bit twisted...

My 2500A came today... Gonna run it through the paces and see how it stacks up in person... First burn on shitty media was perfect... Hopefully a sign of things to come..
The Plex Premium also offers the option of HD-Burn, wich is a feature that I liked.

Also, I am anal about 8mb cache and the Plex Premium has one. Plus if you can find a refurb its around 60-65 shipped.
Originally posted by SKiTLz
Yea my bad... I've been looking at so many reviews past week Im a bit twisted...

My 2500A came today... Gonna run it through the paces and see how it stacks up in person... First burn on shitty media was perfect... Hopefully a sign of things to come..

Lucky you.. we don't get NEC here :(
Which discs are you using?
Originally posted by TechHead
Lucky you.. we don't get NEC here :(
Which discs are you using?

Well Im waiting for my Taiyo Yuden DVD-R to come. Apparently it takes 2 weeks to put a spindle of DVD's in the mail. :rolleyes:

The one I burnt last night was a crappy Princo I had lying around. Not the greatest discs, and haven't had the greatest compatibility with my set top player so its suprising it worked flawlessly.
No. In fact, the Lite-On LDW400D and LDW440D were rebadged Sony DRU500 and DRU510 drives!The DRU500 and 510 were 100% Sony's own designs.
The latest Sony DRU 530 is an Optorite DD0401 rebadge.
man.. all this rebadging.. hard to keep up...

Why would they go from a proven design of their own to a redbadge of someone elses for their new model?
i'd also go with the NEC. i've heard quite a few good things about it.

SKiTLz, have you tried doing any audio or data extraction with your NEC? the reviews say that the Plextor has better quality than the NEC.

i was seriously considering buying the plextor for myself, but the 2500A looks like a damn sweet deal.
Originally posted by felix88
i'd also go with the NEC. i've heard quite a few good things about it.

SKiTLz, have you tried doing any audio or data extraction with your NEC? the reviews say that the Plextor has better quality than the NEC.

i was seriously considering buying the plextor for myself, but the 2500A looks like a damn sweet deal.
No I haven't. Only slapped it in last night...

I'll pound it over the weekend and post results for ya... UNBIASED results for a change...
LOL@ Skitlz! Yeah,I'd go with the NEC too.. the 812S is just too new, and Lite-On have a history of not getting their initial firmwares right. Wait for a couple of months or so, and I think it will BE a good drive. Right now, not too many people have the 812S,so we don't have any first-hand experiences of it.

Skitlz.. let us know how it goes with the 2500.
Oh, and sorry for not replying sooner.. there IS a 9.5 hour time difference between you Americans and us Indians :p